Chapter 8: Wind Training

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I received the bow a few days later, and immediately took it out to a private training ground. I don't want anyone else besides my team to see me use it. It's good to have a special weapon, an ace up my sleeve. I know I can't channel the chakra into it just yet, so I spend hours just getting in standard target practice. With my new skills as a ninja, I am immeasurably better than I ever was before. I can hit the bullseye nearly every single shot with it. I know I can push it further in the future, and use my advanced eyesight with it too. If the wind natures can add speed and strength to the arrows, then I imagine I will basically be like a sniper. The possibilities make me glow as I head home to proudly boast to my brother. He's excited to see those futures too, and he forces me back out late at night to show off my shooting skills before we go to bed late.

After about another month of training and missions, I'm finally fully proficient at my bow without using any chakra nature. I practice every day with it, either during training or at home. Guy Sensei gave me a sealing scroll to use to keep it hidden and stored when I'm not using it, and to make it more convenient to carry on missions. 

We've done a total of 14 D rank missions around the village, so the Hokage started sending us on short C rank missions too. Those missions have been either bodyguard ones or bandit raids. Neji, Lee and I all had our first actual kill while in an all-out, deadly bandit fight on one mission. I thought with my past life it might have made me more uncomfortable, but it didn't. I didn't walk away without a slightly heavy conscience, but I didn't let it consume me at all. Same with the two boys as well, we just took it in stride.

Since I had advanced so much with my bow, even using it well with my Byakugan, I decided it was time to meet Asuma

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Since I had advanced so much with my bow, even using it well with my Byakugan, I decided it was time to meet Asuma. As we were running back home after an escort mission to a nearby land, I approached Sensei about it.

"Sensei," I start to say as we speedily ran through tree tops. Our stamina has vastly improved in the last four months, even with me wearing an extra 175 kilograms. "You mentioned to reach out when I'm ready for wind nature training. I would like to start that soon. I want to use it with my bow, and to learn other techniques."

"Yes! The power of youth! Striving to be better and stronger than yesterday! I will contact my friend, he will train you!" He replies enthusiastically.

"You are so amazing Ami! Already have you mastered your new weapon, you truly are one of the genius twins. I shall work twice as hard to meet up to your level one day." Lee vows to me. He does this often, and each time he does he has Guy Sensei add more weights to his training or ask for more reps out of him specifically. He really is becoming a 'genius of hard work' that he becomes in the story.

As I have spent more time lately learning my new bow, I have not been progressing as much as Neji has on the advanced Hyuga techniques. He has moved on to learning the Rotation technique, having already mastered the 64 palms. I am near mastering it, and do still practice it daily, but I'm not quite as good as him in it anymore. I'm still better than most all of our other clan members though, and my eyes are improving rapidly from my archery practice. My range of sight is now better than Neji's by a little bit.

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