Chapter 42: Sasuke's Success

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I open my eyes and can see I'm back in the forest again, safe and away from the soul trap. 

However, I can feel hundreds of small somethings crawling all over me, and before I can stop it, I scream out loudly. "Ahhh!!!!"

"Ami!" I hear several voices from above me. "What is it?!"

"Get them off, get them off, get them off!" I chant out, my eyes tightly shut again as I can feel all the bugs leaving my body. "Oh thank god." I breath out when I no longer feel the creepy crawling bugs on me, and look up and see Shirotsu sitting above mine and Neji's head, sweating profusely and exhausted. "Thanks, Shirotsu." I turn and see Shino is also standing above Kiba and Akamaru, "And Shino."

"At least you didn't kill any this time." Shirotsu pants out in exhaustion. "Would have been some thanks for keeping you alive." He plops back to sit fully on the ground, sweat pouring off of him.

Before I can do more than sit up, I'm being pulled into a tight half hug by Hinata, who is holding both me and Neji, crying in between us. "Neji Nii-san! Ami Nee-san! I thought I had lost you both! Shino and Shirotsu had to use their insects to keep your chakra flowing, it had completely stopped!" She tells us between her sobs.

"Lady Hinata." I say softly. I know she had grown closer to Neji, but I've spent a lot of the last three years gone on assassination mission, and haven't had the same quality time with her as he has. I have still joined in on several of their training sessions though, and we have gotten closer, plus she's fun to tease about her crush. I didn't know I meant so much to her, to have her hugging and crying over me equally as she is with Neji.

"Shirotsu, thanks." I go over to my friend once I can move again, leaving Hinata to fret over Neji. I pat my arms on his back as his breathing returns to normal again.

"It is not often you are the one in need of my saving, it was an honor. There were too many of you for Shino to keep your chakra moving by himself, my beetle I have on you sent out a signal that you were in danger, so I came." He tells me quietly.

I grin at him, then throw my arms around him, giving him a proper hug. Neither of us are big on hugs, but he just saved my life, he well earned it. "You're the best!" I say happily as we part and I help him up. I hug Kiba, Akamaru and Neji as well, thanking them for keeping me safe in the underworld place.

We set out again after we are all recovered enough to move, but Neji pulls me back to him, separating us from the group slightly.

"What was that back there? Why was your body, or soul I guess, like that?" He asks me seriously.

"I'll tell you, after the war is over, I promise." I promise to him, and we stare at each other for a moment, having a silent conversation that only twins can have.

He eventually nods, releasing my arm he held me by. "You better. That was scary seeing you like that."

When we rejoin the others, Kiba also comes over to me, "Glad to see you back to normal, Ami." He says with a smirk, though I can hear the sincerity in his tone. "I need my running partner to actually have legs, ya know?" He teases.

"Glad to be back. You almost stood a chance of beating me in a race like that." I smirk at him. "Almost, if it weren't for Guy Sensei."

"I still can't believe you ran on your hands like that. Never tell Sensei or Lee, we'll never hear the end of it. He'll make it a part of our daily training, even if we aren't a team anymore." Neji groans out. Sensei would still randomly show up at our house early in the morning and force us to do his training with him, even once we were all Chuunin and Jonin. Once a member of Team Guy, always a member.

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