Chapter 23: Homecoming

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A/N: Shippuden starts here.

About two and a half years have passed since Naruto left on his journey, and now he's due back soon. Tsunade kept Kakashi and I off our assassination missions for good now so that Kakashi can rejoin his team again when Naruto gets back. 

I did the same, rejoining Team Guy and almost immediately being sent out again. Tsunade sent us on a simple mission near the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, with instructions to report to the Kazakage after we are done. While the others on the team were confused by the second part of the mission, she and I had worked this out as a plan. We should be arriving around the time the Akatsuki attack the Sand village. Since we don't know precisely when they will get attacked, we just plan to be nearby in order to help. 

Over the three years since I first met the Sand siblings, I have seen them a few more times, usually on my missions with Kakashi when we pass through the Sand village. I have grown close to each of them, forming a friendship with them all, and I don't want to see Gaara getting killed, even if he does come back. If I can help, I want to try to change his fate.

"Alright team, we cleared the bandits in record time. I see our amazing teamwork hasn't suffered an inch in our time apart." Guy Sensei tells us while laughing proudly after we finished our mini mission.

"That seemed like far too easy a mission for a team like us." Neji comments. 

It's true, this could have been handled by either a genin team or a Jonin by themselves. Our team has three Jonin and Lee is a tokubetsu Jonin, which means he has the specialized skills to be a Jonin but not all the requirements, which makes sense for him since he cannot use any jutsu. I was actually the one to nominate Lee for the ranking, and Tsunade eventually approved just recently. Lee and Guy don't know it was me who nominated him, but both are proud and honored that someone did.

"Agreed. Let's move out to the Sand village at once then, no point hanging around here." I say while casually looking around. I don't know when the Sand gets attacked, but the sooner we leave for there, the better.

Our team heads out from the small village we were at that was near the border of the Land of Wind. From here, it will take about a day and a half to reach the Sand village. We run at a moderate pace, which is surprising since Guy and Lee for once aren't going full out. It seems like even they are a little more on edge from Tsunade's request to report to the Kazekage without a specific purpose. When we do arrive at the Sand Village, I can see my pre-emptive attempt was in vain.

"Hold!" A guard calls out to us as we approach the gates, "No one is permitted to our village right now. Turn around and leave now, this is your last warning!"

"What is going on here, we are Konoha shinobi, our Hokage gave us a mission to report to the Kazekage." Guy Sensei says to the guard in confusion. Quickly, another Sand ninja appears behind the guard.

"How did you get here so fast? We only just sent out the request half a day ago?" The new guard asks us seriously.

"We were already nearby. What is going on here?" Guy asks, turning serious after sensing the frazzled tone of the guards.

"Please follow me, I will take you to the advisors." The new guard says, and leads us towards the Kazekage tower.

"Konoha Shinobi, thank you for coming so fast. We weren't expecting you for at least another two days." Baki, the Sand advisor, says to us when we walk in.

"Never underestimate the great Team Guy. Now tell us, what is going on?" Guy asks enthusiastically.

"Lord Kazekage was taken 12 hours ago by the Akatsuki." Baki says grimly. He then proceeds to go into explaining how a fight in the sky happened between Gaara and Deidara. I just grit my teeth in anger. We were only a half day too late.

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