Chapter 35: White Reaper Revealed

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Kakashi and I both glare at the news. I didn't know the Sasuke rogue declaration part from the show, so either I didn't remember that detail, or it changed. Either way, it doesn't matter for right now. I head out after sending Kakashi a knowing look, going to find Naruto. He needs to know this information, so Kiba and I head out and find him with Sakura and Sai. 

Kiba tells them the news, and both Naruto and Sakura start to freak out. It takes a lot of convincing, but in the end, they don't listen and try to go after Danzo to beg for Sasuke's life. As they are all yelling amongst themselves, I notice two new shinobi heading our way, and they are from the Cloud village. I step back a bit, putting distance between myself and Naruto's group.

"Tell me everything you know about Sasuke Uchiha!" The Cloud girl says, pointing a sword straight at Sakura's face. "Since you're yelling so much about how he's a friend of yours. I'm going to kill him, tell me where he is."

Before the others can even contemplate reacting, I have my scythe summoned and wrapped around her neck from behind her. "Look at this, Cloud ninja coming into Konoha and demanding someone's head." I say darkly in her ears. She freezes up for a moment, clearly not having seen or sensed me near her. "I won't allow a Cloud ninja to enter into my home and take anyone else, so I suggest you retreat now."

"Who the hell are you?!" She yells at me angrily.

"I am Ami Hyuga. Daughter of Hizashi Hyuga." I growl out to her and watch her and her companion's eyes widen in recognition. "Oh good, you know of me. Now state your business here before I behead you. Or don't, I do love cutting down you Cloud ninja the most." I say aggressively. It's true, most my assassination missions Kakashi and I went on brought us to the Land of Lightning. It's where I got my nickname.

"You're the White Reaper." The guy growls out at me in recognition. "You've butchered dozens of my friends and allies."

"You need better friends." I sneer back at him, and as he moves to attack me, Naruto and Sai immediately intercept him, blocking his movements. I smile at my friends, they just proved they have my back.

"Your friend Sasuke killed our Sensei, the Raikage's brother! And you assassinated several of our friends! This village just breeds murderers!" The girl yells out at me angrily, but she can't move because of my scythe.

"Assassinated? Ami would never! And I know Sasuke wouldn't kill your Raikage's brother, whoever he is!" Naruto growls out angrily at them. Tensions are really high.

"Sasuke Uchiha killed Killer Bee, the eight-tails Jinchuriki. He's a member of the Akatsuki! Your Hokage just gave us permission to kill him!" The boy counters him. "We will have our revenge!" I release the girl and let them yell at each other some more.

Naruto and the Cloud ninja talk for a while longer, and Naruto falls into depression, vowing to help them find Sasuke and to also let them beat him up to make up for what Sasuke did. Before the girl can throw the first punch, I catch the girl's fist.

"That's enough. You will shed no Konoha blood here today. You have your permission to hunt Sasuke down, go do with that what you please, not that you will be able to harm him at all. I will not allow you to hurt anyone here to aid in your goal." I tell the loud ninja firmly, my intimidating stance sending waves of murderous intent towards them both while I nearly crush the girl's fist. The girl ripped her hand back towards herself once I let her. She tried to swing again, and the boy caught her fist before it made it very far.

"Enough, Karui. As much as it pains me to say, the White Reaper is out of our league. She is not why we are here, and those other idiots promised to help us find Sasuke already. Give it a rest for now." He says, glaring into my eyes as I stare hard back, betraying no emotion at all.

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