Chapter 25: Gaara Returns Home

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"Hey!" I exclaim out, "Good thinking Lee. Tsunade wanted us to collect any information we can on them, I grabbed this one off Deidara." I tell him, showing him my own.

"She is collecting? Then here, you take this and turn it in together with yours." Lee gives his over quickly.

"Thanks Lee." I thank him genuinely, pocketing the second ring. I don't know yet what I'll do with them, they serve no real purpose as far as I know, I just remember that Tobi needed Sasori's after his death to be a member. Maybe I'll use them to taunt Obito or Pain later.

"Thank you for saving both of my brothers." Temari says sincerely as she comes to walk besides me later.

"I hardly saved them, Temari. I showed up too late for both of them." I tell her softly.

"You got Kankuro back faster than our recon team could even find him. And you helped avenge my brother's killer. You did that." She says firmly, looking me in the eye.

I think on her words, then nod slightly in acceptance. "I would do it again for my friends. I just wish they never had to go through that in the first place at all." I tell her honestly.

Not knowing the exact timing of events makes it so I can't prevent certain outcomes. The only real change I made this time was killing Deidara. Temari and I spend the rest of the walk going over the recent events, and then talking about the upcoming Chuunin exams she is coordinating with Shikamaru over. I tease her gently about him, talking my friend up and telling her fond stories I have of him. Nothing too embarrassing, just good memories that made me like him as my friend.

We make it back to the Sand village after a very long walk. Kakashi had to be supported by Guy for a bit of it. He didn't use the Kamui as much as in the show, but he still had to catch the large explosion, so he's very tired. I talked with Kakuro a bit too, just checking in on how he's doing since the poison. I don't get to see the Sand siblings often, so this is nice, despite the circumstances, to get to catch up with them. They took a good interest in what's been new with me as well, Temari admiring my new silent arrow attacks, and Gaara liking my new scythe after he heard that part of the tale. Gaara's always been an odd one to crack, he takes an interest in random things, but I found he likes things that are unique, and actions or objects that are often rejected or underestimated. Therefore with me, he loves my weapons, each of which are not typical ninja weapons.

The sounds of cheering is what greets us as we approach the walls of the village. Everyone cheering and happy that their Kazekage has returned home. Gaara looks stunned that all his ninja and citizens are gathered to greet him. Naruto gives him some words of encouragement to step forward and accept it, but Gaara steps aside so those carrying Lady Chiyo can pass by first. We all follow her in, and an envoy directs us Konoha shinobi to some guest rooms at the Kazekage tower. I'm roomed up with Sakura, and we both promptly pass out as soon as we see the beds.

"Ami." I hear from above me as I stir awake. I swat my hand at whoever is waking me up and turn over. "Ami, wake up." I recognize the voice. It's Kakashi. I turn to glare at him, but then catch the look in his eyes. I nod to him and he leaves the room. We have another mission to accomplish while we are here. I quickly and silently get dressed and head out of the room, ensuring that Sakura didn't wake up at all.

"Have you located it yet?" I ask him in a whisper.

"Just the general idea of where, I'll need your Byakugan to narrow it down." He tells me and we set off slowly, only being able to move so fast with his worn out body. He guides me towards a hallway not far from where we are staying, with thankfully no one in sight. "It should be one of these rooms."

I activate my eyes, and search through them one by one. It's harder to find something that's written down, so it takes more focus. Eventually, I spot our target in the fourth room over. "Fourth door. Heavily sealed and with multiple traps. Plus, there's a guard in the room, ANBU." I tell him nearly silently. He just sighs before taking out several tags that each have the ability to unlock seals. Tsunade had these secretly made for us by her barrier corps. 

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