Chapter 19: Retrieval

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Jirobo starts to taunt the team, saying some meaningless stuff to everyone, mostly to Shikamaru and Choji.

"We don't have time to stay here, we have to keep moving." Shikamaru complains seriously.

"I will stay." Shino says suddenly, "His jutsu works like my insects, I will be a good match up."

"He's strong too." I say, looking at our team, "You will need a heavy hitter to stay will you."

"Me." Choji says, "I'm the strongest. I'll stay too." I nod to him. With Shino here, he won't be at a disadvantage anymore.

"Once he's down, regroup with us. We're going on ahead." Shikamaru says.

"Shino, mark each of us with a beetle that can be tracked." I say begrudgingly with a shiver. He nods, and I watch a tiny bug land on me and fight every urge to kill it. Jirobo tries to attack us as we leave, but Choji intercepts, and we take off.

I spot the enemy in the distance, and alert Shika that we are close. He makes a plan to pose as their fallen comrade, but I shoot that idea down. We don't know enough about them to pose as them, they would spot us. Instead, we plan to use Naruto's shadow clones to chase them from the side, forcing them to change course. We, in the meantime, will circle around and catch them. It's only a slightly better plan, but it's better than risking one person's safety alone with the enemy. We set out the plan, Naruto's clones changing into each of us and going to edge them off. I watch as the enemy does alter their course, and we meet them head on. Since I'm the fastest, I ran ahead and laid a simple trap for them. I didn't have much time, so it's just exploding tags, but it should be enough to disorient them long enough for Shika to trap their shadows.

When they set off the trap, Shika does catch their shadows, but there's only two there. The spider guy is missing. Neji and I spot this, and start to look around. We find him just as he's spitting his webs out at us. We avoid the first wave of webs, and go to simultaneously attack the spider guy. Neji strikes his webs down while I hit his kidney chakra. When we are both in mid-air, spider guy spits another web at us. We're stuck for a moment, and while we are in our webs, Naruto's clone group of us go in to attack the spider guy. Unfortunately, they get taken down, but in that time, Neji and I use our Gentle Fist to get out of the web. While Neji goes to attack again, I go to free everyone from their webs as the other two bad guys start to run away, continuing their mission.

"Go, I'll take care of this guy." Neji says to us.

"No, Neji I'm not leaving you here." I say desperately.

"As captain, I am staying. We can defeat him together far more efficiently and then catch up quick, especially with our speed. That's final. Shikamaru, take the others and head out, we will catch up." I walk over to Naruto for a moment, "Naruto... Just in case, when you see Sasuke, give him this." I gave Naruto one of my scrolls. I tap his back and place a seal on him.

"What is it?" He asks me.

"Just something he needs to read. I'll catch up to you, go now." I shove him forward. When Kidomaru, who I learned is the spider guy, tries to hit them when they leave, I use Rotation to block his web shots.

"Orochimaru warned me of the Gentle Fist. You both have good eyes, and strong control of your chakra. However, once I disable your annoying hands then you won't be able to cut my webs anymore." Kidomaru says confidently. He spits out far too many webs for us to cut down, and we both get stuck in them to a tree. He gives an evil speech for a moment then creates two long spears of hardened web from his mouth and spits them at us. We easily evade, sending chakra from our bodies to cut his webs.

I look at Neji, and pass a silent message with my eyes and hands. I tell him that I will create a clone, and gain distance while my clone stays close. He replies by saying he will go in for an attack, giving me the opening. When Neji takes the 64 palm stance, I put my plan into action. I make a shadow clone and gain some distance. I watch my clone do her 64 palm strike as well, and together her and Neji are overpowering the Sound ninja. After he's knocked down, he activates his first phase of his curse mark. He summons a giant spider, and it lays a giant web womb that splits open and I watch hundreds of large baby spiders that spill out of it. The clone and Neji deflect the attack, but the web's slow the Rotation down. My clone tells Neji to take cover, and he does. He jumps behind a tree as the second wave of baby spiders drops down, this one with even more in it. My clone does the Rotation again, only this time, she adds in wind nature, and slices and obliterates everything within the range. I in my real body take that moment to shoot an arrow straight into the mother spiders head. I don't waste time, and shoot a second one directly after at Kidomaru. It hits his stomach, and he goes down hard. My clones energy is spent after the wind Rotation and she releases back to me.

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