Chapter 7: Chakra Nature

Start from the beginning

Several catch my attention as I walk around. The first is a large scythe. I think about it, it sends a message for sure, but it would be too tiresome to carry around, and would get in the way of my Gentle Fist too much. It would be good in a big war with enemies surrounding me, but not good traveling or being discreet. Next, I find a beautiful, unique katana blade. That could work, it's not too big and I could wield it easily enough. The last I see that catches my eye is a bow and arrow set. It's set far away from the others, out of the way as if no one ever looks at it. I try to think of the uses of it, it would increase my long range attacks, which are limited to only as far as I can throw my kunai at this point.

"Seeing anything catching your eye?" The blacksmith comes out while Sasuke joins me.

"A few actually. But I don't know which would be best for me yet. I know I have no immediate need for this scythe, but it is beautiful. The sword could work... but I'm also interested in the bow as well." I tell him.

"Ah, interesting choices, the lot of them. Tell me, what's your chakra nature?" He asks me.

"I don't know yet. I haven't had the opportunity to find out. I should ask my Sensei about that soon though. Does it matter for the weapon?" I ask him curiously.

"Yes, it can. Take for instance the sword here, it works best with a lightning nature. The metal was crafted in just a way that channels lightning like a rod, and is enhanced by it. The scythe works well with all natures, but can work best with water nature. It flows well and is strong enough to cut through the water or even be surrounded by it. Then lastly there's the bow. That's been a hard one to match to people because it's designed to work best with wind nature, and unfortunately we just don't get too many of those here. Our main selection of weapon work best with fire nature, like all our tags and bombs." He informs us and we nod along.

"Guess I should find out my nature first before getting anything. Thank you for your advice, sir." I bow politely as we head out the door. Two more things catch my attention on my way out. On the wall, clearly on display only and not for sale, are a pair of the Fourth Hokage's Flying Thunder God kunai's. That reminded me that I should ask the Hokage if I can learn the technique. The other thing that caught my attention was a pair of decorative hand fans, but they had blades at the spokes. These were interesting to look at, and made me wonder their purpose. Sasuke nudged me to keep moving, and we headed out. We grabbed dinner together at the tea shop before heading to our homes. I greet Neji tiredly, and he did the same. He had spent the day working on the 64 palms techniques. We do this every day when we come home, so we are getting better at it slowly.

The next day after our morning training, I call Sensei's attention.

"Sensei?" I ask out to him, "Could we please figure out our chakra natures soon?"

"You chakra natures, hmm?" He asks me skeptically. "Why would you like to know those so soon, Ami? Usually elemental jutsu's are Chuunin level techniques."

"I was looking into getting a weapon, and the blacksmith said I should know my nature first." I tell him simply. Neji glances at me curiously, I hadn't told him yesterday because I was too tired. Lee looks curious too, his eyes growing large with excitement for some reason.

"Well then, I suppose there's no harm in knowing. I just so happen to have chakra nature papers here!" He enthusiastically pulls the papers out of nowhere. He does that a lot, I've learned to stop questioning it by now. "All you have to do is take the paper and channel your chakra into it. From there, how the paper reacts will tell us your nature." He says as he hands each of us one. Neji and I both look at Lee with a brow raised. He can't use chakra, why find out his nature? If it will even work at all.

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