Chapter 6: Team Guy

Start from the beginning

"What the heck?!" I yell out, the other two mirroring me with minor variations. I look at what's on my back, and it's a huge tortoise. It looks straight at me as I stare at it, then at Guy.

"The plank was too easy. It needed a youthful flavor added to it!" Guy strikes a pose and grins at us. "Now get back to it, your time restarted!"

I focus my strength into my core and my arms, then push with all my strength as I get back up with the tortoise on my back still. I can feel the sweat pouring off my face and arms as my whole body shakes holding up the extra weight. I struggle to keep my breathing even as I hold it.

"Time check." I call out through gritted teeth to Sensei as he watches us.

"Not even half way!" He roars out with laughter as I grimace. Lee falls then, and his time gets reset when he gets back up again. I'm too stubborn to fall, so I keep myself locked up in place, even if it feels like my abs are being ripped apart. I glare harder and harder at the ground in front of me, trying to mentally catch it on fire with my rage.

"Time!" Guy calls out and we all fall face first into the ground again. The tortoises disappear from our backs as we gasp and try and catch our breaths. None of us are standing anymore. I roll onto my back and look up to the sky, and realize its barely 10 am yet. It feels like we've been doing this for the entire day already.

Sensei throws each of us a water bottle, and we drink greedily from it. "Alright, that was better, but still not good enough! The next test, you will have to spar against me one on one for one minute solid. You can use any means to try and beat me, but we will keep going for one minute no matter what. Neji, you first!" Guy calls out and Neji stands up. I move to sit next to Lee off to the side and we watch the fight. Neji does good, but I can tell Guy is going incredibly easy for the first ten seconds or so, because after that, he goes onto the attack. Neji gets brutally knocked down multiple times during that one very long minute. I get worried for my twin, watching him getting beaten while being so tired already.

"Lee, you next!" Sensei calls out after the timer goes off for Neji. I run up to Neji and help lift him up, taking his beaten body off to the side so we aren't in the way of the next match. I look over my brother, he doesn't have any serious injuries, but he does have scrapes and bruises, and he's clutching his lower ribs. I lean him up against a tree to rest. We watch Lee's fight, and it's a lot worse that Neji's. He is getting beaten from the first second.

"Ami, let's go!" Guy calls out as he flings Lee's body towards Neji and me. I catch him on reflex, and lean him up against the tree as well, but he's barely conscious. I walk my way over to Guy, and give him a determined stare. He's going to win, but I'll be damned if I show weakness.

I take my Hyuga fighting stance, but I intend to do more than the others. They both stuck purely to taijutsu, and Sensei said 'by any means', so I'm going to branch out a little. When the timer started, I used the kunai I keep up my kimono sleeves and threw them at Guy. These particular kunai I keep wrapped with a wire, which for now I kept slack so they weren't obvious. I ran towards Sensei and started to attack, leading him slightly so his back was to the kunai, which means I had to move him more to the left from when he dodged them as I initially threw them. When he was in position, I tugged hard on the strings, and the kunai flew directly towards Sensei from behind him.

"Nice trick, but I saw that coming from a mile away." Guy taunted and dodged. But that was my plan, and I had a backup planned each of the three main directions he could have dodged. In this case, he jumped straight up, intending to have my own knives hit me since he dodged. As they neared me, I did a substitution jutsu, and while it looked like I was being hit by multiple knives, I was actually in a tree, and threw a kunai at exactly where Sensei would land from his dodge. I didn't wait around to see it worked, and instead started to charge into an attack. He dodged the kunai easily enough, but my instant advance made him go on the defensive to block my hits. I was using the Gentle Fist style, with my Byakugan activated, and I was targeting his chakra points. I was moving quickly, but of course, he was faster. He blocked each hit effectively, then he swiftly went on the attack. I got hit multiple times, hard. The final one before the timer went off was a kick that sent me spinning over to my brother and Lee, both of whom caught me to stop my travelling.

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