chapter 9 - answers

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  Vampires don't typically bring up werewolves, in fact they're almost forbidden to even mention. It wasn't until my first year of Highschool that I began to become aware of them.

  They're our natural enemies, and can easily be described as these foul-smelling mutts. Really, that's the only "nice" way I can put it.

  The first and last times I encountered a werewolf was back in the 1960s, when the family of Hales were still residents of Beacon Hills. However, no one's seen them since a hunter burned their home down, and even then, only one was known to survive.

  Derek Hale.

  This may come to be a surprise to some, but Derek and I, actually used to be good friends. Of course, that was before I knew of the rivalry between us vampires and werewolves. Back then, I was just like any other premature vampire, young and naive.

I had already lived for well over 4 decades, but compared to the rest of my family, I was still quite young.

  I never really minded the stench of dog for a small portion of my time, in fact I didn't think much of it. Derek was a good friend, and that's all that truly mattered to me. Think of it like you're a kid in kindergarten, that was basically me.

  Derek was never good at math or writing, but when it came to anything science related, he was quite skilled.  Everyday, we would meet in the library to help each other with our work, I was never good at science. However, he began getting more distant, and eventually stopped showing up  It was understandable at first, we all get busy occasionally, or sometimes we just need some time.

  One thing about me you should know, I catch onto patterns quite fast and it didn't take me much time to note that there was a girl involved.

Paige Krasikeva

Derek and Paige were actually cute together, I didn't mind it at all. She was usually quiet and reserved, but her talent and love for music was enough for anyone to fall in deep. I would often roam the halls to listen to her play her cello, never skipping a single note.

  The hallways got quiet, however. I could no longer hear the sound of that cello ring in my ear every afternoon. I never knew where Paige went off to, but Beacon Hills didn't seem to see much of Derek Hale afterwards.

  A bit later on, hunters began to appear around the town. Mother urged me not to worry, as long as we layed low for a bit. However, things didn't go very well for the Hale family. I still remember hearing the news of their family home burning down. Mother and I both suspected it was the doing of the hunters.

My heart truly ached for the family, but for Derek most of all. Seeing as he was fairly young, I knew it had to of been hard for him.


The Locker Room..

  I quietly roam around the locker room, carefully observing my surroundings around me. I knew Scott was above me, and it was only a matter of time before he attacked, so I tried to come up with a fast plan. Usually, I'm quite the problem solver, but many questions have filled my mind at the moment.

Who did this to Scott?

Have werewolves really returned to Beacon Hills?

What does this mean for the future?

Before I could question any further, I was greeted with a heavy snarl in my ear.

"Scott, you know how much I hate when people come up behind me.." I bluntly state.

I was answered with only silence.

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