chap 6 - dinner with the Argents

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   "So, Y/n, Allison tells me you're quite the lacrosse player. Is that so?" Mr Argent asks me, taking a sip out of his drink and setting the glass back down on the table.

  I've met tons of people in this long lifetime of mine, but not once have I met a family this intimidating. It's like they're watching my every move. 

  "I mean, it's nothing worth bragging out. Lacrosse has came naturally to me, really," I responded.

  "So I hear. Here, why don't you have a drink? I've got Scotch, Red wine, Champagne, and -"

  "No, no Dad, I think y/n's fine, don't be weird," Allison interrupted.

"Actually, I could go for a glass of Scotch," I say, taking a look at Allison and then to her parents, with a slight smile on my face. I mean who am I to deny free glass of alcohol? Father has taught me right.

  "You know what Allison, I like this kid," Daddy Argent exclaims as he pours me a glass of Scotch and hands it over to me. I thank him and raise the glass up then take a sip. The drink leaves a bit of a slight sting in my throat but I can't help but love it.

  I could tell this one was expensive, and it's not often I get to experience the feeling of experience whiskey like this. Mother doesn't like keeping alcohol in the house, probably a good decision, but it doesn't hurt to have a drink every now and then.

Mrs. Argent was glaring me down like a lion stalks it's prey. God that woman is scary. It's almost like her eyes were about ready to pop out of their sockets.

I took a look at my watch, reading the time 9:32PM. I didn't have a curfew, but I suppose they don't know that.

"Well, I guess I better get going. My parents should be expecting me home in about an hour or so. They don't like me out too late at night," I explain, even though my parents could actually care less. The only thing they truly care about is our Emerald Malkia.

"Are you sure? You should stay for desert, I make the best homemade cannolis. I'm sure your parents won't mind too much, right?" Allison's Aunt, Kate I assume, buds in.

"Oh well, I really should get going. Maybe next time?" I say as a begin to stand up to gather my belongings.

"No no, y/n, I insist." Kate says, motioning for me to sit back down. She seems a bit demanding, but Allison seems to really like her, I'll manage.

I slowly sat back down in my chair, smiling to be polite. After the interrogation I've experienced from the Argents so far, I think I may need a few more drinks, if not the whole bottle, if I'm going to make it through this dinner.

"Do you mind if I use your restroom, before we have desert?" I ask, hoping for a small moment of peace. Luckily, they weren't too bothered.

I walk down the hallway, looking at all of the pictures hanging on the walls. One of Allison and her parents seemed to catch my attention. I couldn't help but wonder how they could look so happy, despite the fact that they're constantly moving around.

Their house is almost like a maze, and I found myself getting lost in the rows of hanging pictures and books perfectly placed on their shelves. Being nosey, I had to take a look at the wide selection. Who am I not to browse the many options in front of me?

Picking up a book, I wiped the dust off the cover and rubbed my fingers along the title.

"A Hunter's Guide to Vampires"

God talk about paranoid.

About vampires (History, Bloodlines, Skills, Etc): page 4

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