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Maybe I am safest in a place
Where I am everything I am not.
Or maybe I am just sad and lonely.
I sit for hours escaping reality
To a land where my name is
' Possible'.

I see myself larger than life,
I imagine my outer being perfectly
Without flaws my reflection taught
Me to despise.
I am all I have ever wished to be
And safest I am in this state of
Happiness of all I wish to be
Makes me forget,
Forget pain of realities truth.

I am far from reaching my goals
The older I get the more I resent
Myself for letting me down.
I have accomplished nothing in all
My years on earth.
My failings have made me feel
Ugly and pathetic.
It's not self-pity ,
It's the truth.
Contentment breeds joy and I am not content.
I pick on my looks and hate my
Wasted youth.
So I sit and daydream to ease the
Pain before I go mad.

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