One's Worth

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In face of public they sing your
' No one is like mine, no one is
Like mine.
See what mine has achieved,
Mine is greatness.'
Oh yes, to the audience they brag
And you feel proud of your products.

Behind closed doors they question.
' When will you leave? In the best
Still? When will you marry? Childless still? When will you grow up? Dependent still?
Yet your every attempt to fly was
Sabotaged by them.
Too early for this, too naive for that.
They once blocked your attempts
To grow.
Now trapped and time has passed
Do they wonder what to do with
They who do not for once see their
But ask you why you haven't flourished
In accordance to their time.
For we live according to their timeline.
You shame them if you fail
To do so.

They bury in comparison to
Your successful siblings.
Belittled for the little thing you are
You half believe it,
You completely fight it
Denying your worthlessness.

Yet the sun always breaks the dark.
It all happens for a reason,
You Heard this before.
Each failing leads you to eminent
Rome wasn't built in a day,
Empires care built brick
By brick.
A time will come when the crops
You planted in a desert are
Ripe for harvest.
You will be the first to do this,
The first of your kind,
The first of your name.
Visionaries and giants were
Ridiculed to.
Gutenberg, Alexander,Jobs, Musk
And the Virgin Queen.
Yet when they grew in success,
You Heard them shout, ' No one
Is like mine!'
One's worth is conditional
Determined by the bread they bring to the table

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