And Then Came...

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I imagined the future as motion picture visionaries taught us to,
Flying vehicles, holograms
And a weapon in every house.
Monarchies became republican
Constitutional or not,
Women as strong as men
Or perhaps dystopian with females
Losing fertility.
A newborn child becomes precious
And science replaces religion.
I wept for my faith as I am devoted
To God,
I watched corrupt ruthless governments on the silver screen
And envisioned them in reality to

Gutenberg with his press machine
Made thinkers out of all of us.
Masses like you and I read
Because of him.
Gates with Microsoft turned us
Into authors a school essay
Never looked more professional.
Jobs transformed our lives beyond
Now we have access to the world without borders.
The world literally in our hands
In a touchscreen phone, tablet, laptop you name it.
Musk seeking refuge for the human race to survive cancer or any
Contamination we produced
After earth was once cleansed by
The Great Flood.

Oh yes the future was looking limitless.
Like, The Island, The Fifth Element,
Blade Runner, Total Recall or Divergent, Children of Men
And Handmaid's Tale...

And Then Came....Covid19.
Our doors shut to our neighbors,
Like The Black Death hundreds
Of years ago.
The future is forced back to history
When science cannot answer.
With men driven to madness
Talking to walls,
Dying by the second.
Goodbye flying cars and utopian
Ideas of togetherness,
Or survival of the fittest.
Humans are currently occupied with searching for cure.
Science only found vaccination.
Amazing! We ran outdoors with masks. MASKS!
We did it!
Let's return to the path of the future.
And Then Came...Monkey Pox.
Once again men are humbled.

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