"I am a she."

Though imagining her face resulted in blurry colours, I could still somehow imagine her deadpan eyes as she stares expectantly back at me.



"Not Leesa. Sounds like a name for my pet leach. Leeech-sa."


I receive no reply, but I can sense she is thinking the name through.


The name fit the mysterious presence-in-my-head's personality like a glove. It sounded right as if it was meant to be – decided by the deity I was introduced to only days ago.

Okay, Riana. Let's go straight to the pot of gold: why are you always such a pain in my ass?

"We both share the same ass."

You are so difficult to deal with. Like a child.

"I guess that's your mental age, then."

I knew Riana would be able to fire comebacks as long as I continued, so I decided to take one for the team and surrender while I still had an inkling of sanity left.

On another note...

"Are you surrendering?"

Nope. I'm just nipping this in the bud. We had other stuff to do.

"No, we don't. Our mates locked us in here. Pathetic."

"Also, we both know I'm in a different league when it comes to the art of wit."

And reality, apparently. A messed up one at that.

Riana's use of the word 'mate' poked at my consciousness. Did she mean the fated mates that the Empress pairs wolf-shifters with? Or the colloquial term of friends? I guess Liam, Blaze, Jesse, James and Fynn all count as friends. Actually, change of heart. Not Fynn. We aren't friends. He hates me.

"He doesn't. He's just hiding something from you."

How do you know that? I've certainly been at the brunt of lots of verbal attacks from yours truly.

"He's acting distant because he doesn't want to get too close to us. Finny has something to hide from us – he worried if he lets us in, the truth will come out. If you'd been paying attention instead of licking your wounds from his 'verbal attacks', you would've noticed."


"You pay attention to his nickname and not the fact that I was mean to you?"

So you finally admit your kink for abusiveness?

"I was only a little bit mean. A teeny tiny wittle bit mean."

My stomach grumbled in anger at being ignored.

"You should probably go feed that little monster."

Hey! That little monster fuels all your stupid conversations!

"You better placate it before it starts stabbing your insides with a dull knife."

Good idea.

I turn to the food wrapped in cling wrap on the wooden table next to the window. A tuna sandwich with real tuna. Not the fake sauce which tastes like chemicals. I suppose wolves can catch seafood pretty well.

Each bite made me grin in happiness like a psychopath. Although the sandwich wasn't cold like I preferred it to be, Fynn made a killer sandwich. A killer sandwich made by the wolf with killer eyes. How fitting.



And we have finally given the voice a name! Riana! How do you like it? Would you change it?

This chapter was surprisingly easier to write and had more Katie and Riana interaction (albeit still jokey and a bit shallow, if I must say). They'll get deeper soon.

Quarantine with my family is surprisingly not the nightmare I envisioned. We have one more day 'till we'll be released from the confines of the hotel room but I don't find myself in any particular interest to leave faster. In fact, we've had a bucketful of hefty laughter (one being sticking an anus thermometer in each of our armpits. I personally think that's probably more disgusting - I don't want anyone's armpit hair to spread to mine 😬).

QOTC: What have your experiences with quarantine been like? How does it compare to your expectations?

Riana's identity will come out soon!


Look out for Chapter 22: maybe 20august2022? I start school on the 21st so it'll get more hectic from then on.

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