All of my focus is on the door ahead of me, waiting for it to burst open, revealing the evil, yet fascinating, creatures behind it.

I distinctly hear my name being called from behind me.

I would answer if I wasn't so taken aback at the scene right in front of my eyes. I almost feel glued to the ground, my bones frozen, my heartbeat paused.

Just then, the last crack is created, causing a chip of paint to fly off. The door breaks in half, falling hopelessly to the floor.

Screeching bags flood the room, flying right in my direction.

My mind now seems to realize that I've lost my chance to save myself.

There's absolutely no going back, even though I completely regret my decision of not making a move to get away earlier.

I don't want to die. I have so much to live for, so much to say.

Then again, do I really have that much to live for? Am I really that important?

I'm a kid who can't graduate properly, and I hangout with freshmen. Everyone thinks I lead a cult, and I'm constantly getting bullied.

I'm hopeless.

These thoughts were the ones keeping me from getting up and running, saving myself, and now I realize that chance is gone.

This is it.

This is how I die.

Suddenly, two hands grasp my shoulders tightly, shaking me a bit before sliding their fingers under my arms, dragging my legs across the floor.

I feel like I've been saved, and I've never been so grateful.

Just then, sharp fangs sink into my abdomen, and I groan out of pain.

I look down to find the creature feeding on me, to which I fling off of me.

The agony completely wakes me up out of the trance I was previously stuck in. I begin taking in my surroundings of the insane bats, and Isabelle still holding onto me.

Everything seemed to be moving too fast for my brain to handle.

I become slightly dizzy as I watch the bats circle around us multiple times.

I slowly stand up, covering my head in case of any creatures that might be flying right above me.

I feel hands on my back, pushing me onto the mattress.

I whip my head around, finding Isabelle standing there blankly, indicating for me to climb up the sheets and into the portal.

I take hold of the tied sheets with my two hands, preparing myself for the climb.

I hear Dustin screaming above me, telling me to hurry up.

I look down at the girl who stands below me, urging me on. I make sure she's okay, that she'll be okay.

"Im right behind you!" I hear her faintly scream through the chaos.

I begin to climb, grunting in pain at the fresh bite on my side. I eventually flip over, landing uncomfortably on the mattress.

I breathe heavily before a hand is stuck in front of my face, being offered to me.

I look up the arm, finding Dustin's frantic face laced with worry and fear. I take hold of his hand, pulling myself up roughly.

I inhale a sharp gasp through gritted teeth. The pain from my abdomen is becoming worse, but there's no time for that.

I quickly turn around, waiting for Isabelle's body to drop down right after me.

When there's no sign of her, I begin to panic.

"Isabelle!" Dustin yells before I can.

I cup my hands around my mouth, attempting to make my voice louder, "Iz! Come on!"

The whoosh of the bags flying around is the only sound we get in response.

I walk back onto the middle of the mattress, looking upwards into the alternate reality.

Surprisingly, I don't spot anything but the motion of the animals. I tilt my head to the side, continuing to search for the girl.

"Isabelle!" I hear Dustin call out from right behind my head.

I tilt my head in the opposite direction, and that's when I see her.

A wave of relief washes over me, but quickly disappears when I notice her condition.

Specks of blood cover her clothing, and her face is resting, eyes closed and lips still.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, and I squint my eyes to get a better look.

That's when I notice the multiple things latched onto her.


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