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"You know if it's so difficult for you to be in the same space with me you shouldn't have bothered"

Jungkook still didn't say anything irking him even more.

"What the hell is your problem?"

Jungkook let out a sigh. "Nothing Taehyung, let's just endure each other until I drop you off, yeah?"

No that's not what Taehyung wants

"So now I'm someone to endure? you're enduring my presence now? Fuck you Jungkook"

"That's not what I meant" Jungkook said sounding defeated, completely putting out every fire Taehyung is trying to start.

Taehyung slide down his seat looking out the window. Why is he angry? Seems he's fighting himself at this point

But he doesn't want this anymore.

He knows when they got to the front of his building complex but Taehyung didn't move.

He just kept staring outside the window ignoring the man boring holes into his head.

He doesn't want to go home alone tonight. He wants to be with Jungkook.

Taehyung refuse to glance at Jungkook knowing he's going to see an angry Jungkook. And well he's too stubborn to say what he really wants.

So he just sits back not saying anything as Jungkook continue to wait for him to come down from his car.

He finally risk a glance at Jungkook and honestly wished he didn't cause Jungkook just look so hot being all angry and just staring at the empty street.

Jungkook looks back at him and their eyes meet. Taehyung quickly looks away with burning cheeks .

After what seems like hours of them just sitting in the car not saying anything and Taehyung refusing to come down and go to the house he was bragging about moving into months ago.

Jungkook finally pull off his street heading to the mansion. Taehyung let out a quiet relief sigh cause well Jungkook understood what he wanted. Taehyung didn't have to embarrass himself by saying it out loud.

Immediately Jungkook parked his car and start walking inside the mansion Taehyung follows him without saying anything.


Jungkook is pissed, actually he's supposed to be pissed. Pissed at Taehyung with all the stupid games he's been playing.

Moving out of the mansion. Going on dates with half the people in the city and making sure Jungkook hears about it.

Partly he's just getting amused as the night continues.

Taehyung is so annoying and so endearing Jungkook doesn't know what to do with him.

He's aware of the male following him. Jungkook knows what his claim wants but he's just too pissed and petty to just give him any attention.

He does what pains Taehyung most. Ignores him.

He walks pass the common living room nodding to everyone. His clan members looks almost amused at the boy trailing after him. Jungkook round the corrider heading to his own side of the mansion.

HOLLOW // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now