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"You're what?"

"I'm moving out"

"You're joking right?"

"Definitely not"

Jungkook stare at Taehyung completely lost, confused, angry?

Taehyung ignores him and just kept packing up his clothes.

Jungkook just wants to slam him on that door and kissed all this rubbish out of him.

He sighs instead

"What are you doing?" He asked defeated

"Moving out Jungkook, I already told you"

"Can I atleast know why"

"Cause I want to be away from you, I want to think. I'm finally starting over so why not away from you. You're suffocating me"

Taehyung didn't even look at him while saying all this.

He wants to ask how Taehyung got the money to rent an apartment but that's not even a question. Jungkook gave him his own card with enough to spend. So yeah he did this.

He quickly moved to stand behind Taehyung. He feels Taehyung stiffened when he brings his lips closer to the back of his neck and whispers

"I know what this is about, when are you going to stop pretending like you don't like those attention. You and I both know you crave it, you love it. It's why I'm the first person you look for when you walk into any room. You love it that I want you, you love that I'm crazy about you"

They both want each other so badly. Jungkook doesn't know why Taehyung is torturing them

He's honestly tempted to just turn him around and melt their lips together but no

"You want space Taehyung? You can have it. You hate my attention? Then I'll stop"

Taehyung sharply turn around their eyes meet and Jungkook has to hold himself back from just kissing those lips.

He pulls back instead and watch as Taehyung's eyes calls back for him.

"Enjoy your new home Taehyung"

He walked out angrier than he was an hour ago.


Jimin watched amused as Taehyung's eyes keeps glancing towards the other vampire sitting on the other side of the sofa eyes fixed on his phone.

He almost wants to laugh. Taehyung is so obvious it's almost embarrassing to watch.

Taehyung moved out of the mansion few weeks ago but it's almost like he didn't move out at all. He comes to the mansion everyday and even sleeps over most at times.

Taehyung call or text him everyday to subtly ask if Jungkook is around.

They are so hopeless.

Taehyung keeps raising his voice, talking loudly to draw Jungkook's attention but Jungkook is stubborn.

Jimin is embarrassed for his new friend.

Taehyung looks down, looking defeated when Jungkook does nothing but ignores him.

Namjoon walked in saying hello to them before joining Jungkook and immediately they already deep in conversation.

Jimin decided to drive Taehyung's mind off Jungkook a bit.

"Taehyung. Have you chosen what you're going to wear to the party?"

"Nope but uhm hobi is taking me to his designer"

Jimin nods. "Gotten a date yet" He asked the boy beside him. Jimin wasn't suprise when he feels a sharp glare from the other side of the room

They're hopeless.


The party was exactly how Taehyung expected it will be. Honestly he's just glad this new law is being celebrated like this between vampires and humans.

He never thought this will ever be possible again but here they are.

Taehyung is happy he's really happy but Jungkook has been doing nothing but piss him off.

All Jungkook does is ignore him. Ok so Taehyung asked for it so what? Jungkook is not suppose to listen to him concerning that? He's suppose not to. He's suppose to want him more.

Jungkook hurt him, yes he apologized for months. Yes Taehyung asked for space. So?

Taehyung sighs bringing the glass of wine to his lips as he watch humans and vampires interacts.

It's a nice sight.

And Taehyung knows they are vampires that won't be ok with this new law but that's not a problem cause Jungkook will deal with them.

The night was already coming to an end and Taehyung feels he didn't see Jungkook enough.

He quickly sit up when he sees Jungkook walking out of the hall with the lady he's been talking with half the night.

Taehyung should stop, he should just sit where he is and mind his business except Jungkook is his business.

He walks out looking around obviously to see the worst but nothing.

"You're ready to go?"

He almost let out a scream, sometimes he forgets to act like a vampire. He quickly composes himself

It's Jungkook


Jungkook stare at him and it feels like he hasn't felt those eyes on him forever. "Namjoon told me to help drop you off, he had to attend to an emergency."

"Oh" Taehyung let out dumbly

"If you're ready let's go, if you're not then I'll send someone to come pick you up"

"I'm ready to go"

"Ok" Jungkook turned around heading to his car.

The car ride was annoyingly silent and Taehyung is just pissed cause why is Jungkook behaving like this.

Jungkook didn't even glance at him not even once he kept gritting his teeth and Taehyung is losing it.

He has to say something or he's gonna go crazy.

Ok maybe Taehyung doesn't want Jungkook to ignore him anymore.

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