After he had taken the key, I watched helplessly as he walked over to the little door. "Perhaps there is hope for you yet" With a slight click the door had been locked but I wasn't prepared for what he did next. The key could have been easily hidden on a tall shelf or in his pocket however this thing had decided to swallow it whole. That was my only way home and now it rested in his stomach.

"Fufufu. Do not fear my little doll. You have such an important purpose. Come along I will show you where you will be staying the remainder of your time her-"

Doflamingo's Pov

I had not expected to see Elizabeth faint however as I held her up, I checked for a pulse. Once I was satisfied, she was alive I took a better hold of her and headed into the hallway. "That was unexpected. You are such a silly girl, Elizabeth" Since she was asleep there was no point keeping that key hidden from her sight. It had been down my throat although it was easy enough to bring back up. There was some discomfort but as I held it between my fingers, I tried to ignore the fact it was covered in my salvia. "I wonder where I should hide it? It will need to be a place she cannot reach"

Many places would work but I did not need to rush it as I doubted Elizabeth would be up and about anytime soon. Taking a peek at the girl in question I noticed she was wiggling around although I only readjusted my hold so her head was resting against my shoulder. The moving had stopped and oddly enough she had moved her hand to grip my coat. I remained quiet as I made it to my bedroom door however hesitated for a minute. Keeping her in my room could cause an issue but this way at least I would be able to watch her.

"It will be fine. Consider yourself special Elizabeth, no other girl has had the privilege of staying in this room" Unlocking the door I stepped inside and tucked my prize underneath the covers. "Fufufu. I will return later. Behave yourself and do try to sleep until morning" There were a few things I needed to take care of before the night was through. With her asleep, it made taking care of those tasks easy however I was finding it difficult to leave Elizabeth. Her breathing was calm and a soft expression was in place as she slept. She would most likely not be in this mood come morning.

"Perhaps it would be better to stay here" It had taken some time to decide although as I joined Elizabeth under the covers, I found myself pulling her against my chest. No one else had spent the night this close to me before but in a way, it was nice to have such warmth within my arms. I had no desire to get any sleep tonight, I did not need much, however, the more I held her the more I found myself drifting off. It was an odd thing and as much as I wanted to stay awake, I knew the only way to do that was to let Elizabeth go. Unfortunately, I was not letting her go anytime soon and let my eyes close.


Sometime Later...

Elizabeth's Pov

When I finally came to my mind was a bit fuzzy although, within a second, I remembered what happened the day before. "That son of a b-" I must have been going blind since I had no clue how I had missed the fact that Doflamingo was sleeping on my chest. He didn't seem to be awake although that could have easily been a lie. "How the fuck am I going to get out of his grip?" Doflamingo might have been asleep but his arms were wrapped around my entire body making it near impossible to move without causing him to stir.

My body must have moved too much for his likely since his grip had started to tighten as I held my breath quietly praying, he wouldn't wake up. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Don't wake up" When he stopped moving, I calmed down but stared at him for a few minutes trying to come up with a plan. "I love you so much. Stay with me until the... Stay" Doflamingo was talking in his sleep although I ignored it since I had finally decided to slip out of his hold. Well, I was at least going to try, and thankfully it only took a few attempts before I was able to break free.

From my spot on the edge of the bed, I could see Doflamingo reaching out toward the empty place on the bed. He was looking for me although I quickly pushed a pillow into the spot and watched as he dragged it back to his side. If that event from last night didn't happen then I would have thought this was cute. However, because of what he did there was no way I was going to see him as anything more than a creep. Taking one last look at him I slipped off the bed fully intending on leaving this room.

I couldn't even put my hand on the doorknob before that strange feeling from last night took over my body. "Elizabeth? Where are you going? Come back to bed until after ten" When I turned back to face him, I could see Doflamingo was sitting up somehow trying to rub the sleep from his buttons. "Elizabeth, did you need something? I can retrieve you some breakfast if that is what you are searching for" He was acting different and had yet to raise his voice but this man had already broken my trust. I wasn't about to let him fool me twice.

"What would you like, my little doll?" He had yet to leave the bed and I was thankful for that. However, the moment he did decide to get up I'd be screwed. "I-I want t-to leave this room" My voice sounded so pathic. I knew this man terrified me although I wished my voice came out without giving it away. "Oh, you would like to explore the palace? I am sorry Elizabeth but you misbehaved yesterday and will stay in this room until further notice... Why are you crying? Have I upset you in some way?"

There it was, Doflamingo had left the bed but before he could get within ten feet of me, I freaked out. "Don't touch me! Stay far, far away from me!" My feet carried me to the further corner of the room and I silently panicked knowing I had just backed myself into a trap. "I see... I will return with your breakfast" Surprisingly he had left the room although when I tried the doorknob, I found that it was locked.

"Well, shit"


To Be Continued...

Doflamingo x OC {Don't Open The Door} RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now