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“I am ready to be your date.” The lad settled in front of me over the velvet material chair spoke, my eyeball poking out just as he completed his sentence with my petals apart, gazing at him as a few of his raven-tinctured locks were already settled over his forehead. His almond nut brown orbs were gazing at me, confirming that he wasn’t joking. 

The rim of the cup touched his salmon lips as he took a sip from his coffee, with his pinky placed at the bottom of the cup. Gently, he placed the cup back on the cup plate without much noise like he has been practicing this for years. 

I watched him resting his elbow over the table which was separating us as we sat across each other. Blinking my eyes at him, I shut my ajar mouth, I would be looking so dumb doing this for about the last one minute but I was astonished by all the words that reached my eardrums just now. 

Gulping down a lump in my throat as he leaned forward, his gaze getting intense with each passing second, I feast my eyes over his salmon petal which advanced to speak once more, “Should I repeat myself?” 

I exhaled, meeting his gaze which was throwing a glint, “Yes… I mean why?” You said, befuddlement trailing your voice, trying to stay calm, “That’s the only reason we came here, Ms. Lee.” He declared. 

Mister, I also know why we both are here but didn’t he listen to what I told him before, “I know! But dating isn’t my cup of tea.” I retorted as he asked, “Then why did you come here?” I closed my mouth even before it could open. Who will tell this man that I was compelled to be here? 

I looked behind him, taking my time to think of an excuse as I gazed at the girls staring at both, inevitably couldn’t shut their eyes at the man in front of me as I turned my eyes back at him who had already his eyes aimed at me, “There are so many lasses, who are head over heels for you, then why me?” I heard him sigh, leaning back on his chair before saying anything. 

“I will wait for your answer, next meeting on Sunday, sharp at 8. My secretary will text you the place.” These were the words that flew out of his mouth before standing up and buttoning his suit jacket. I observed him doing so and stood up with an objection over his statement but before I could he strode past me. 

I turned around to look at his broad back covered with the gunmetal material, slipping one of his hands into his pocket. What the hell is wrong with this uncooperative lad? Why does he even want to marry me as his first choice? Stubborn as a mule! I spat at his back, departing out of the grandeur restaurant. 

Grandeur, my foot! Who the hell gave this restaurant a license? I could bet they haven’t listened to a name called sugar. It’s not their fault, the coffee would taste bitter when drunk with an embittered person. “My secretary will text you the place.” I mocked back imitating his last sentence. 

Taking my opulence sling bag, I kicked the table in frustration, gaining everyone’s attention as the luxurious and antique piece of cup plunged down the table, “F*ck.” Cursing under my breath, I sped out of there before anyone caught me but I heard someone shouting as I gazed behind, watching one of the waiters following me, I dashed out of there. 

After meeting this self-willed man, every passing minute has been atrocious for me. Opening the door, I ran out of there, “I am not going to pay for this, please spare me.” My inner conscience told me. Running in heels was making it difficult and the next moment, I plunged over someone.

Yeah, a lad. 

The man stumbled over his position, I felt him gripping my waist which prevented me from falling. Without any thought, I held his sturdy physique in my arms, hindering myself behind his well-built physique. I could feel his brawny biceps with my palm, propping him before me. 

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