his eyes widened in shock
"what the fuck you maniac"

derek actually smirked before quickly dropping it. he picked up another weight and sent it flying towards him again. stiles didn't have time to dodge and held his arms out to catch it.

the speed derek threw it at was too fast for stiles and so the weight pushed him over and his body smacked the ground.

he groaned.

"want to explain why you keep chucking things at me?"
he managed, clutching his chest.

derek rolled his eyes at the thief.

"testing reflexes, we need to increase yours."
he said as if it was obvious.

"well you can do that without putting my life at risk. goddamn"

derek didn't reply, he threw another while stiles was facing the other way, stiles leapt into the air as the weight passed underneath him. he turned around with a furious expression. stiles stalked towards derek with blazing eyes.

"now how bout you calm the- WHAT THE FUCK"

stiles yelled as derek picked him up by the shirt and threw him against the wall, however he softly landed.

"you are doing things unintentionally. start to accept them and i will stop"

stiles rolled his eyes and began to walk to the door. derek was faster and cut him off, stiles hit derek face on.
he held his nose and groaned in pain.

"are your abs actually made of rock? jesus christ that hurt"

derek actually huffed a laugh. bad shoved stiles back again. he was still a little pissed over bye watch.


stiles dripped with sweat  as he stood on shaky legs. he had multiple bruises from different incidences. everything hurt.

"are we almost done?"

derek rolled his eyes
"you haven't stopped asking that since we started"

he gave him a pointed look.

"just relax into yourself."

stiles longed to cuss him out but held his tongue. he closed his eyes and focused on his surroundings. he heard derek pick up a weight he felt the weight come towards him.

stiles stepped out the way.

he re-opened his eyes with a grin.

derek was smiling too, when he noticed stiles had opened his eyes his smile dropped. stiles' shoulders slumped

"aww don't be such a sourwolf! say you're proud of me"

derek huffed and began to walk out.
stiles sniffed at the air.

"oh shit i can smell again. and you smell of... fondness and happiness... now fear... now frustration. got a lot on your mind huh?"

derek snarled and left, slamming the door behind him.  stiles grinned to himself, satisfied about pissing off the werewolf.

he breathed in deep, relishing in the ability to smell everything better. derek still smelt much nicer than the others, if he ever got his hands on a mythical book or a computer he would have to do some research as to why. until then stiles would just be glad not everyone smells shit.

he walked past the  lounge area and scrunched his nose in disgust. he shot a disapproving glance at scott and jackson as he went.
scott rolled his eyes.

"why do you guys smell like wet dog?"
stiles managed holding his nose.

"cause you're a fox"
scott explained like it was obvious

"derek doesn't so i guess it's a you problem"
he snarked

"oh and what does derek smell like then?"
scott snapped, a little hurt to be told he stunk.

"forests and black coffee"

no one spoke.

jackson muttered breaking the silence

"he must just wash more"

"no it's a- i don't care actually"
came jackson's bored reply.
stiles shrugged and made towards the stairs.

"oh dinners at 8pm by the way"

stiles just threw up the 'OK' symbol and continued up the stairs.

one person who reads this is fucking amazing and incredibly nice.

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