February 1986

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Shit, shit, shit. All that had been going through my head as I was racing down the roads was that I was going to be majorly screwed if I didn't end up making it back home on time. I could process what happened with Eddie tonight when I got home later. The only thing that mattered was whether or not I would make it home on time; there were only two potential outcomes for tonight.

The first potential outcome was making it home just in time for curfew, telling whatever parent waiting for me goodnight, still having all of the freedoms that I enjoy, and having to mentally unpack everything from tonight. Outcome number 2 was losing my car outside of school functions, not being allowed out on the weekends, missing out on potentially one of the most important trips that I was going to take in high school, and having my parents figure out that Gareth was right and I've been going behind everyone's backs and seeing someone. If that happened, there was the possibility that Eddie and I seeing each other casually would come out in the open. As much as I would love to deal with the fallout that it would cause between Gareth and myself, it was definitely something that I wanted to continue to avoid.

As soon as I got to the last stop light before the turn to my neighborhood, I finally looked down at the clock. I was cutting it way too close. "Come on, come on," I mumbled at the light, impatiently tapping on my steering wheel. There wasn't a car in sight. I could practically hear my dad's disapproving tone as I continued to tap the steering wheel, imagining the look of disappointment on his face if I walked through the door late. That was one thing that would kill me on the inside; despite butting heads with him at times about different things, I did seek his approval. I never wanted to be the one to not meet his expectations; it was one of the reasons why I would push myself so hard by making myself such a rigid schedule, push myself so hard with accelerated classes, and keep myself as organized as I possibly could.

I wanted to make something of myself. I wanted him to be proud of me. I knew that he loved me and Gareth, but I also wanted to be something that I knew he would be proud of. His brilliant daughter, the scientist. The one who would follow in his footsteps and go to Notre Dame and made something of herself, the difference being that I pursued science instead of business.

When the light turned green, I was able to pull forward, driving until I made the turn into the neighborhood. Reaching the final stop sign, I rushed toward my empty parking spot. Quickly putting my car in park, I shut it off and unbuckled my seat belt. Turning around to grab my backpack, I glanced at my watch. Less than a minute left. Scrambling to get out and lock the door, I bolted straight for the front door. Fumbling with my keys, I finally got the front door unlocked, my watch beeping as I flung the door open.

"Right on time, young lady," I heard my dad's voice as soon as the door had been opened. Letting out a breath in relief, I flashed my dad a smile from his spot on the couch.

"I'm so sorry I thought I would be home a couple of minutes earlier! We just got so caught up with hanging out that I nearly lost track of time!" Walking into the house, I closed the door, locking it up behind me. Hanging up my coat by the front door and taking my shoes off, I began to walk towards the steps. "I love you, dad!"

"Love you too, kiddo. Happy Valentine's Day."

After making the ascent up the stairs, I walked straight into my room. Tossing the backpack towards my desk, I took out my pajamas. Breathing out a sigh of relief, I decided that I would deal with washing up and brushing my teeth before getting changed. Grabbing my bedside water cup so that I wouldn't have to leave my room again, I walked out of the room, making a beeline straight for the bathroom. Groaning when I saw that the light had been on, I began to tap my foot impatiently.

Muttering under my breath, it was a few minutes later when I heard the sound of the toilet flushing and the sink being turned on. Watching the door slowly open, I was met by the sight of my brother.

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