February 1986

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The sound of the door that had been connected to the garage hadn't registered in my ears; the soft thud of a pair of wooden drumsticks hitting against the ground had.

"What the hell is going on in here?"

Time froze in that instant. As soon as I heard Gareth's voice, I could feel my blood freeze in my veins and my back immediately stiffened. All of the times that I had snuck around had been completely pointless, each moment that I had planned around being able to go out and see Eddie without rousing suspicion had been completely in vain.

This couldn't be happening. This was just a terrible nightmare and I was going to wake up at any moment. Pulling away from Eddie, I heard the words quietly tumble out of his mouth in a hushed whisper.

"Oh my god."

The words had felt like a slap in the face as they had been laced with pure embarrassment. I wanted to disappear, spontaneously combust, and just be anywhere but here at this moment. I could feel my face burning hot with shame, the combined sound of shuffling in the garage, and my own heartbeat ringing in my ears as I briefly caught a glimpse of Eddie's mortified face. He looked as if all of the blood had left his blanched face, our eyes averting from each other as they briefly met. There was no way that I could possibly face Gareth. This had to be a nightmare. I had to have fallen asleep after getting home. Pleading with myself, I was begging to wake up. It had to be any moment now.

"What the FUCK! I'm blind!" Gareth's words pierced through the tense air in a disgusted tone, shattering what little hope I had about the nature of the situation. This was it. It wasn't just another nightmare. I wasn't just going to wake up in bed and have everything work out perfectly. This wasn't just going to be some happy fairytale story where it was all going to work out for me; this was the real world. Life was never that simple. Clearing my dry throat, I finally felt myself move, flinging my arms from around Eddie's shoulders.

"Let go of me!" I spoke up, the words ringing out a little too loudly, tinged with shame. I felt the hand that had previously been against my cheek quickly move away as if the touch of my skin against his had burned him. The arm that had also been around me had slowly released me. I automatically put my hands against Eddie's chest, softly shoving him away from me. Eddie stumbled back into the counter, hands gripping the edge as he began to steady himself. Snapping my head away from the sight of him, I finally turned to face my brother.

"This isn't what it looks like!"

"Oh yeah?" There had almost been an edge of hurt and confusion mixed in with the fury that his words had carried. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Gareth's hands flung up, his brows furrowed in vexation. A bitter laugh left his lips, his face twisted in a look of absolute betrayal as he directed his full attention to me.

"Gee, I'm so sorry. So what you're telling me is that I didn't just walk in on an oh-so-tender moment where one of my best fucking friends had his tongue down my sister's fucking throat? I wasn't interrupting that? My eyes were deceiving me?"

Silence hung in the air for a moment as Grant and Jeff scrambled into the doorway.

"What?" Jeff had been the one to speak up first, confusion on his face.

"I fucking knew it! I called it!" Grant's voice had sounded almost proud at the revelation, turning to face Jeff as he patted a hand against his back. "You owe me so much fucking money, man! I knew this was going to happen!"

"Are you kidding me?" Gareth snapped back at his friend's reply, temporarily turning his attention away from Eddie and me. Taking advantage of the moment, I glanced back over at him. Eddie had been painfully quiet as he ran his hands through his hair, deliberately avoiding any eye contact with me. My attention snapped back to my brother as I heard an exasperated groan come from him.

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