August 1985

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The first meeting of the Hawkins Science Club was being held after school in the library on Wednesday, as it had been throughout the previous school years. Taking a seat at one of the tables, I pulled out my notebook. As the secretary for the Hawkins Science Club, my job is to take notes of anything and everything brought up during the meeting.

Marnie, our club president, stood up. She was very tall and athletic, her incredibly curly brown hair pulled back by a headband and scrunchie. Smiling at the group of students in front of her, her dark freckles were highlighted against her olive skin. "Let's get down to business. I have training at 5."

I pick up my pen as Marnie begins to go over club attendance. As I hear the names of the new members joining us, I jot down their names, making a note to myself to get their full contact information before they had left.

"The first meeting of the Hawkins Science Club has begun," Marnie declared, as I began to look at the clock. 3:30 PM sharp.

Throughout the meeting, the basic introductions of the club began, going through the names of the senior members and completing a brief ice breaker. After the initial fun, discussions about the funds for a science night were discussed, considering a fundraiser to make it easier than just begging the student council for money. The final verdict? We'll discuss next meeting.

"The final order of business is tutoring sessions are going to be starting up this week." A groan spread through many of the senior members of the club.

"We literally just got back. There probably won't be sign-ups for this week. Remember, all members who tutor get reimbursed per hour after school that they're in the library..." Jessie, our club vice president, stood and spoke up. "The first session is on Friday."

"Jessie... if someone picks a Friday slot..."

"No one should need help at this point in the year. Either way, the admin is having all academic clubs start tutoring this Friday. No exceptions. So at the end of the meeting, please make sure that all junior and senior level members talk to our secretary," she pauses, introducing me again. I give a wave. "She's gonna take down your information. If you're a new member, you need to stick around to give your information as well." Jessie took her seat, and Marnie stood back up.

"Are there any other questions or comments?" Giving it about 30 seconds, the meeting was officially adjourned. Jessie took the sign-up sheet, making sure it had the time slots, class options, and senior level options visible, putting it up front with the librarian. All of the Hawkins Science Club board members were required to check it for the next two days to make sure that no one signed up.

Finally finished with collecting the information, branch specialties of the tutors, and contact information from old and new members, I officially closed the book for the day. 4:45 PM. Not bad. I considered staying at the school until Gareth's band practice was over; however, as much as I would love to not have to deal with them, I also wanted to be able to relax at home. Biting the bullet, I chose to go home.

Parking the car in front of the house, the sound of "Rainbow in the Dark" came from my open garage. Checking my watch, I gathered that I would have just over an hour before their practice officially ended. Trying to avoid the guys as they were playing, I attempted to walk around the open garage to the front door. As soon as I passed in front of the house, Jeff looked at me, missing a note.

"Christ!" Eddie stopped playing, staring at me.

"I didn't even do anything! I was going to go around!"

"Sure you were! Just like every other time!"

My eyes narrowed. Clearly, Eddie had something up his ass and he wanted to argue with someone about this, knowing that I would probably take the bait. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction, especially after finding out that there was a chance I was tutoring before going to Benny's on Friday. Shaking my head 'no,' I kept walking.

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