Summer 1985

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Summer 1985. I had decided that this would be the start of my year. No longer was I a lowly junior; I made it to senior year intact. All I had to do was get my diploma, get into my dream program, and get on with living my dream life. One of the first things to help me get closer to my goals was to save up some money. So instead of traveling to other states, partying, or spending time with my friends, I decided to get a job.

The Starcourt Mall had plenty of options for high school students to get a job. Thankfully, I was able to just need to interview with one location: Sam Goody. I wasn't sure if it was my "passion for music and different genres," "engaging personality," or the fact that I was willing to work as often as I possibly could land me the position at the music store. It didn't matter to me what actually ended up securing the job for me; discounts on tapes, a decent store location in the mall, and making above minimum wage made it all worth signing away my summer.

Parking my hand-me-down station wagon in my usual spot, I checked the time. 10 minutes until my shift. Nodding to myself, I got out, smoothing out my store uniform, and entered the mall. Peering briefly at the mannequins in front of Jean Nicole, I considered picking up a new top before tomorrow's shift. Continuing my walk, passing The Gap, I popped my head into Scoops Ahoy.

"Ahoy mateys!"

"Ahoy!" Robin gave a wave as Steve was busy helping a group of middle schoolers, looking incredibly annoyed with them. Never in a million years would I have imagined Robin Buckley and Steve "The Hair" Harrington working together. From what I gathered from Robin in passing conversations over the school year, she didn't particularly care for Harrington's friends. I didn't blame her- Tommy H. and Carol were awful.

A pack of kids pushed their way past, giving me dirty looks as they passed. "Excuse me," one of the kids spoke with an annoyed tone. "Some of us are trying to get in some new flavors of ice cream."

I watched as Robin gave a small eye-roll at hearing this statement. Recognizing this group as the same group of kids from yesterday, I gave a small shrug.

"Good luck," I directed at her, giving Robin and Steve a final nod goodbye.

Quickly passing by Lovelace, I made finally made it to Sam Goody.

The store stood as a beacon for all music lovers. With a variety of tapes, records, posters, walkmen, and more, just about anyone could find something that they needed. Looking over at Jenny, I gave her a nod as I signed in, getting my name tag on.

Jenny, my manager, was the epitome of 1980s pop music. From her teased blonde hair that she always kept up to her makeup and the ridiculous amount of bracelets that she wore with her uniform, it was as if she was trying to emulate Madonna herself. She even had her mole in the same spot. Chewing her gum and blowing a bubble, she nodded back and took off her name tag.

"Thanks, kiddo. I need to stop for a snack at the food court before the next jazzercise starts in an hour."

"You know that you're only a couple of years older than me, right?" I grimaced at the nickname.

"I know," she smirked, snapping her bubblegum. "You'll miss this when I'm back at Purdue during the school year."


"You will. I promise," she blew an exaggerated kiss in my direction, waving as she walked out.


For the most part, the shift had been relatively boring. So far, there had been a few questions about when new albums were coming out, unloading and stocking a few new records, and checking out customers. Nothing necessarily out of the ordinary; the most interesting thing so far had been someone asking about the walkmen.

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