Christmas 1985

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"Put White Christmas on next," Marnie smiled, taking a bite of popcorn as Jessie got up from her side of the couch. Watching old holiday movies and baking Christmas cookies with Marnie and Jessie had been one of our pre-Christmas traditions since middle school. Typically, we would rotate whose house we would watch the movies at between my house and Marnie's and end our pre-Christmas time together at Jessie's house, attending her family Christmas party on the 23rd. This year, my house was the house where we were watching movies at.

"Oh, I've always loved this movie! Danny Kaye is just so freaking dreamy in an old Hollywood way," Jessie giggled as she switched out the tapes, plopping back down on the couch.

"Seriously Jess? Isn't he like in his 70s now?" Marnie threw a piece of popcorn at her with a small smile on her face.

" Yes, but he's only in his 30s in this," she gave an exaggerated eye roll, throwing a piece of popcorn in return.

"Hey, I'm gonna get a drink real quick. Don't feel the need to rewind; we've seen it like a million times," I got up, grabbing my glass. Making my way to the kitchen to fill up my cup, I thought that I heard footsteps descending down the stairs. Not thinking much of it, I kept my back to the kitchen entrance.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder suddenly, I gasped and whipped around. "Jesus H. Christ!" I nearly dropped the cup, looking at Eddie. " What the fuck," I gave a low whisper, setting down my full glass. " You nearly scared the shit out of me."

" I see that," he gave a whisper back, grabbing a cup from the cabinet. I had nearly forgotten that Gareth had his friends upstairs in his room, initially surprised that they weren't just going to go hang out in the garage. Until I realized that it was beyond freezing in there and they were probably just shooting the shit and listening to music together instead.

" What are you guys up to?"

" Hanging out. Considered a mini-campaign but settled on talking about band stuff and what not."

A smile played on my lips, taking a sip of my drink. " You're so fucking lame."

" Yeah yeah, I know," he returned the smile with a quiet chuckle. " Listen, is there any point where I would be able to just... hang out and see you?"

" Oh and give... who was it... your girl a gift? What happened to no feelings, Eddie?" I teased him as I leaned against the side of the counter, resting my hand on the actual counter.

" Well, from what I heard," Eddie raised his eyebrow, leaning in closer to me. " Dracula was also getting a gift."

" You must've misheard. I said it was none of your business if he was or wasn't getting one, remember?" I scooted slightly closer to him, feeling his fingers ghost against the top of my hand.

" My mistake. Listen, I'm not doing anything tomorrow."

"Well, I am. But maybe I'll consider mak-"

Hearing my name shouted from the living room, I tensed up. "Are you almost done? The movie's starting!" Jessie's voice rang out and I pulled away from Eddie sheepishly.

"I'm coming! Give me a second!" Redirecting my attention to Eddie, I gave a small shrug. " I have a party tomorrow, but maybe I'll see you later in the night. Would that work?"

"It's a date."

"Oh shut up," I gave an exaggerated eye roll and smiled at him before going back to the living room. As I returned with the glass with a small smile, I plopped down in my seat. Both Marnie and Jessie looked at each other before staring at me for a moment. "What?"

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