New Years

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"Where are you headed?" was the first thing Gareth asked me as I left the kitchen with a thermos and a Tupperware full of cookies, moving to grab my coat off of the rack.

Bundling myself up in my winter coat, I rolled my eyes and went to grab the keys off of the counter. "You're seriously going to ask me questions? We're really gonna play that game? Should I ask where you and Jeff got the beer from?" I nodded at the drinks that were on the table in the living room. I knew that they were just going to sit around on the couch and watch some movies together. I hadn't actually cared that they were having a couple of drinks; I was just trying to deflect so that I wouldn't have to actually come up with an excuse as to why I was leaving. We both knew the real reason why I was going out; I just didn't want to actually say it.

"Wow, defensive." Gareth gave me a pointed look, taking a sip from one of the open beer bottles on the table. " His brother was nice enough to give him a six-pack from Melvard's. Satisfied? "

Scoffing, I rolled my eyes at him. " Fine . I'm going to go over to Marnie's . Her family came home from their trip early. Why does it matter? Are you gonna call and double check as Dad would ?" Marnie coming back earlier than expected wasn't a lie; we had talked on the phone earlier in the day. She had excitedly talked all about her trip to New York with her parents and little brother, gushing about going to Central Park and skating on the rink outside of the Rockefeller Center as she had visited her grandparents for the holiday. It was much easier to say that I was going to go to her house instead of the actual truth; Gareth was already too damn suspicious and as much as I would love for him to put two and two together, that wasn't exactly an option.

"Are you gonna be back here later to watch the fireworks?" Jeff piped up, looking at me from the couch. I watched as Gareth got up off of the couch, heading over to the kitchen.

"Probably not."

"Are you coming home at all ?" I heard Gareth shout from the other room, returning with a bag of chips and a pop.

"I dunno Gare. Maybe I'll have a sleepover at her house. I don't think that it should really matter to you what I do."

"And if mom and dad call?"

"...give me a fucking break ," I scoffed, walking over to the front door. "I'll get home whenever I get home. Don't get too drunk, don't do anything fucking stupid when I'm gone, and stop trying to get into my business." With that, I opened the door and walked out.

Reaching the car, I set the thermos and Tupperware on top of the car. Groaning as I walked to the trunk, I grabbed out the ice scraper, mumbling to myself as I began to get the ice off of the windows. Once I had finished scraping the car, I threw the scraper back into the trunk, grabbed the thermos and Tupperware, and got into the car to begin the long drive to Lover's Lake.

Driving down to Lover's Lake had taken a longer time than I had initially anticipated. The drive began with the roads still not being properly salted. Mumbling a string of curses under my breath as the tires would occasionally slide, I had also run into traffic close to the downtown area. Once I had finally gotten past all of the traffic, the rest of the drive had not been completely terrible. Finally getting close to the lake, I found a spot that I would be able to pull off and park at. All I had to do was wait until I saw Eddie.

"You better have a great reason why you were nearly 30 minutes late, " I was beyond pissed off as I walked up to Eddie's now parked van, thermos in one hand and Tupperware in the other. I would've understood if he had only been a few minutes late, hell even if he had been 10 minutes late. But this was ridiculous. Marching up to the driver's side door, I paused as he opened the door.

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