Bonus Chapter | A New Beginning

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"Why do you look so nervous?" Enzo asked, twisting in his seat as soon as Kian pulled over at his childhood home

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"Why do you look so nervous?" Enzo asked, twisting in his seat as soon as Kian pulled over at his childhood home.

Daisy didn't do well with the travels, so they left her with Audrey. Not the best to put two brats together, but Kian had to leave Daisy in safe hands.

In contrast to his boyfriend of four years, Enzo looked perfectly calm in his black wool coat and gray scarf.

"You know why," Kian said, turning off the engine and taking a nervous glance at the wreath-laden front door.

"It's not like we are strangers. Besides, your mom loves me." Enzo reached over to take Kian's freezing palms in his hands, brought them close to his mouth, and blew out warm air. "It's only for the weekend. We'll be back home Monday morning. Now, stop thinking, and let's get some of your mom's Rajma Chawal. I'm starving." It was true. But Kian wasn't worried about his mother's reactions. It was his father's disappointed silence that kept bothering him.

For the last four years, his father had only a handful of conversations, and they were over the phone. He knew the second his father looked at him and looked at Enzo, he would know. He would know his hopes had finally shattered. There were no more delusional assurances that this was a phase for Kian. His father would know it was real for him.

"It's not Ma," Kian said, pulling his hands out of Enzo's hold. "Papa would also be there. I don't want you to witness his distaste for our relationship."

"It'll be fine." Enzo reached out and took his hand, kissing the back, and placing it over his chest, right where he could feel his thudding heartbeats. "We're in it for the long haul, and I'm ready to face every challenge on the way. So quit moping. We've got this."

Kian thought he would let go of his hand, but Enzo held it the rest of the way to the house and beamed at him when he finally rang the doorbell.

The door opened and his mother stood there, cheerfully dressed in a red silk saree and a Pashmina shawl wrapped around her. He looked absolutely beautiful as always. Kian stood there admiring his mother and she was doing the same until her gaze moved to Enzo.

A big smile appeared on her face the moment Enzo let go of Kian's hand, reluctantly but with a deep shade of red showing up on his cheeks. "Enzo Santiago. You've certainly changed a lot since I last saw you. Your hair looks different. Does Deb approve of it?"

"She does not, actually." Enzo scratched the back of his neck and sighed. "Last time I sent mom a picture of mine, she wanted to book a flight ticket to LA and give me a buzz cut."

Both his mother and Enzo laughed. She engulfed Enzo in a hug, a real, affectionate one. She held onto him and, over his shoulder, met Kian's eyes as if she had never been happier than at that moment.

Kian didn't care for anything else. The knots in his stomach relaxed a little, but they remained as they went inside. It tightened a little when his father didn't show up to greet them. It became unbearable when they finally settled around the lunch table, just the three of them.

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