▪︎ Chapter 16 ▪︎

Comenzar desde el principio

Yae sighed and placed her hand on my head. "I can pull them out but… these two wouldn't let me… just like you, Y/N wants to protect people from her heart. Just like you she sees them as family. As for Ayaka there is no way she is going to let her step-sister do this alone." Yae took her hand off my head and had a slight glance at her watch. "Now… I'm afraid we must go, Mr Kamisato..  we need to head over to Ritou" as I watched Yae and Ei who stood quietly at the door leave.

"Wait! Yae!"




It was a bumpy ride but we had reached the location. "Sayu. How much do we have left" I asked "twenty minutes…" Sayu loaded her rifle "what's the plan Miss Y/N…" Sayu asked while Gorou lowered Sayu's gun down. 

"Simple. We will make it look like an idiotic ambush. While you and Gorou sneak in and get Thoma out of here."


Me and Heizho walked up to the gates calmly. I was surprised there were no guards. "Ready Y/N" Heizho whispered quietly while I nodded.




I kicked the door open and got my gun out. Nothing.

What in the world? Where are the Fatui?

"Y/N BEHIND YOU!" Heizho shouted before firing some bullets. I turned around and saw a fatui, shot straight in the head by Heizho. I turned back around to meet eyes with a whole army of them. They all started to carelessly run towards us with their guns.

I couldn't hear a thing. Just bullets being fired everywhere. Luckily me and Heizho were wearing out bullet proof gear. I managed to get three dozens of headshots and I don't know about Heizho though. Once we killed the last one. We looked over at the stopwatch Sayu set up. We wasted ten minutes clearing this whole army of Fatui.

"Shit… Heizho we need to split up, cover more ground, buy some time." I shouted before he ran left and I ran right.
This place stinks. I could hear the rats crawling through the vents and for a fact I know the noise isn't from Sayu. Her footsteps are too quiet which scares me. Once I reached the end of the hall I was met with a door. I slowly opened it and it gave me the biggest fright of my life. Through that small movement, I was left staring at a crimson red pupil. It was wide open, looking like he was on Naku weed.

A small gasp left my mouth as I attempted to close the door but spoiler alert it was a fail. The door swung open sending me flying. I immediately pointed my gun at the guy. It was none other than the crazy psycho man, Dottore. "Oh.. Y/N? How nice of you to drop by…" that literal devil in a suit cooed before I shot a bullet at his shoulder. Scary… he didn't flinch. "Is this the girl…" another voice asked while Dottore nodded. I looked up and it was another Fatui Harbinger, Arlecchino.

I wasn't going to stick around any longer. I curled my hands into a fist and punched him before kicking Arlecchino out of the way. One I reached my starting point I was surrounded. By every single Fatui harbinger known. Eleven to one. No words could express how terrified I was. I could even feel my breathing was going faster than usual and that my legs were shaking uncontrollably. 

Shit. Shit. Shit.

'Y/N we got Thoma, you and Heizho have five- wait Heizho!? I thought you were with Y/N!?' Sayu shouted into the earpiece. "Sandrone, do it." The first command. The girl in a Lolita like outfit pressed a button.

Nothing happened.

"Uh…" every fatui harbinger looked at eachother. "I thought smoke should be filling this room right now" Arlecchino wondered "was it connected to a plug that was red… if so… Childe unplugged it-" said the third then everyone looked at Childe. "I- uh… at least we can test our strengths against her." Childe laughed nervously.

Before they could do anything else. I ran for it. I ran out somewhere, anywhere. 'Y/N where are you…OH MY GAWD GOROH DRIVE FATUI ON THE REAR-' Sayu got cut off. Well now I have to pull the main character move and get the hell out of here by myself now….

"Come here sweet Y/N…." I could hear Dottore's disgusting voice echoing through the halls. This place is complex as hell. Once I found the stairs I tiptoed my way up. I could begin hearing footsteps behind me. In a panic I did the worst thing and ran into the door.

"Y/N open the door." Dottore cooed as I barricaded the door. "Y/N… Open the fucking door. Turn yourself to the Fatui and no bones shall be broken or any more bloodshed… we would even stop going after your pity little friends…" His voice was filled with venom.

Such lies. I turned around and saw a glass door leading to a balcony. I grabbed a rock on the floor and threw it. Watching the glass shatter to a million pieces. I walked back the baraccised door backwards and ran at full speed to the broken door and jumped off the balcony.


I left a needle like object hit the back of my neck. I swear to god it was another tranquilizer. My body felt like it was going to pass out and it was bad. When I landed I felt so many bones crack. The world grew darker and darker. I hear Dottore command a group of Fatui to grab me and drag me away.Not until I saw someone in a suit jump down from the air with a Inazuma Katana and sliced them in half before picking me up.

That's when the world turned black.

😭😭😭Ugh I'm starting to froget I have this acc- Since I made another acc for my Orginal stories- WelP
Also my friends can't stop calling me emergency food just because my pfp is Paimon on discord for like 2 weeks and now I changed it to Seele from Honkai and this guy-

😭😭😭Ugh I'm starting to froget I have this acc- Since I made another acc for my Orginal stories- WelPAlso my friends can't stop calling me emergency food just because my pfp is Paimon on discord for like 2 weeks and now I changed it to Seele fro...

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