part 12

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Of course Dec knew that Ant was right and giving the situation a bit of time was the sensible thing to do,so he decided it was only fair to himself as well as to Ant that he put as much effort as possible into trying to settle in America.

What did he have to lose?

After all,moping around and being miserable for the next couple of months wouldn't do anyone any favours and if he did decide to go back home at the end of this period,he wanted to make sure he had got everything he could out of his relationship with Ant and obviously that would play a big part in his eventual decision.

But now,it was time to find Dec a job.

"You ready to go?" Ant smiled.

"As ready as I'll ever be" Dec shrugged.

"Yeah,well,you might want to show a bit more enthusiasm when asking for jobs" Ant laughed.

It was to be a long day and Dec was met with refusal after refusal and felt extremely disheartened.

"I'm never going to find a job am I?" He sighed "how come you found one just like that?"

"Just lucky I guess" Ant replied "don't give up yet,it's only the first day looking,it can take time"

"I'm going to end up down the mines aren't I?" Dec frowned "or in a shitty factory,those will be the only jobs available"

"I hope not" Ant shook his head "I want better than that for you"

"I can't be fussy though can I?" Dec sighed "and at least it would be a job"

"Come on" Ant smiled "let's keep looking"

As they walked the streets,a newspaper vendor caught Dec's eye.

"There it is" he stated "the Titanic...on the front page"

"Well,we knew it would be front page news" Ant replied.

"Let's go and have a look" Dec ordered and without waiting for an answer,walked over to the stand and picked up a newspaper,scouring over the contents.

"That'll be five cents" the vendor held out his hand to Dec.

" don't want to buy it,I was just having a quick look" Dec quickly explained.

"You want a quick look?" The vendor said sternly "then that'll be five cents"

"Sorry" Dec replied sheepishly,placing the newspaper back on the stand "I'll leave it,thank you"

"So bloody typical" the man began his rant "you think I stand here day after day so people like you can get their news for free?well,do you?"

"Umm" Dec mumbled.

"Come on Dec" Ant urged "let's go"

But the man wasn't finished.

"Well,I tell you what" he raged "I don't,I stand here in all weathers so I can put food on the table for my family,but I'm getting old and sick,I need to rest,but the bastards at the newspaper give me such a hard time every time I try to jack it in,so I always back down,what kind of man does that make me huh?"

"A kind one?" Dec asked nervously.

"A stupid one" the man stated "I'm killing myself out here"

"But how will you feed your family if you give it up?" Ant asked,now feeling a lot of sympathy for the man's predicament.

"My boys are getting older now" the man nodded "they'll be working soon,but I don't want them doing this,I want better for them,better pay and conditions"

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