part 8

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"Please don't look" Ant repeated,as he rowed away from the sinking ship as fast as his already aching arms would allow "it will haunt you forever"

"You don't think what I've already seen will?" Dec asked bluntly,while staring intently at the chaos they were attempting to leave behind.

Dec shuffled slightly away from Ant,so he could concentrate on rowing and also so the other passengers in the boat wouldn't get suspicious of anything unusual going on,they still thought Ant and Dec were brothers after all and that was the way the boys wanted it to stay.

Dec still couldn't help staring though,he knew he shouldn't...the sound of the desperate,distressed screams were enough to scar anyone for life,let alone anything else.

"Please" Dec begged "get us far away from here"

"We can't go too far" Ant pointed out in a matter of fact fashion "if a distress call was sent out and rescue ships are on the way,then they'll be coming to the Titanic's last known location,we have to stay nearby,we should only go far enough to be safe from being pulled under when it sinks"

"Those poor people" a woman whispered.

"Yeah" Ant nodded "we're the lucky ones aren't we...Mrs?"

"Molly" the woman smiled weakly "Molly Brown"

"We'll be ok Molly" Ant smiled back "God bless anyone who wasn't so lucky"

Molly nodded sadly and went back to staring at the awful disaster that was still unfolding in front of her.

"We should have stayed on the ship" Dec suddenly blurted out.

"What?" Ant asked shocked "why?"

"Because we're men" Dec replied,while trying to hold back the tears "we've left woman and children to die back there,while we saved ourselves,we're so selfish"

"We are not selfish" Ant stated firmly "everyone has the right to live,including us"

"Live with what?" Dec frowned "the relief of not dying?what's the point in that when so many others have died?how do we live with that knowledge?"

Ant was worried about the fact that Dec already seemed to be suffering from survivors guilt,when they hadn't even hit dry land yet.

But he wasn't in a position to comfort him and convince him that he had the right to live right now,that would have to wait,so he didn't reply,just stopped rowing for a moment to give Dec a gentle pat on the back to hopefully reassure him.

Once Ant thought they were at a safe distance from the doomed ship,he stopped rowing and pulled the oars inside the boat.

Several other lifeboats were bobbing around in the water nearby and obviously stopping to await their fate also.

The sounds of anguished screaming and desperate,futile shouting from dying people begging for their lives in the freezing ocean was heartbreaking and everyone who had made it into a lifeboat felt so useless.

"I wish we could have helped them" Dec whispered,trying to hold back the tears once again.

"Me too" Ant replied as he watched one end of the ship continue it's rise into the air as the water gushed into the other end and pulled it down.

They were then startled out of their thoughts by an almighty crack like nothing they had ever heard before.

The sound was deafening and completely muffled the screams as the Titanic broke in two,much to the shock of the poor souls still onboard.

"What's happening Ant?" Dec cried,slightly grateful that the dark night sky was disguising his tears,not that anyone was looking at him right now...well,no one except for Ant.

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