part 2

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After enjoying their dinner that consisted of cold meats,cheeses and cabin biscuits,which were supposed to help settle their stomachs,Ant and Dec were both ready for an early night.

The excitement of the day had exhausted them both,it had been a hell of a long and tiring day and Ant was particularly happy that Dec's exhaustion meant he had actually stopped talking for five minutes.

Ant just hoped he would calm down now,as several days of Dec's incessant rambling in his ear was more than he was able to tolerate,nevertheless he drifted off to sleep happy about what his future held.

Dec was having similar thoughts as he fell asleep with a full belly.


Ant was startled awake some time later by the shouting,so sat up in his bunk and looked over at Dec,the source of the disturbance.

"God,yeah...ok...mam?" Dec mumbled.

"Fucking great" Ant sighed "he talks in his sleep as well,that's all I fucking need"

Ant rolled over and buried his head under the pillow,hoping desperately that he would be able to fall back to sleep,it took a while,but eventually he did.

When he awoke,he rolled over to find Dec wide awake,smiling at him.

"Morning" Dec beamed "how did you sleep?"

"Not great" Ant frowned.

"Oh,that's a shame" Dec replied sympathetically "I had the best sleep ever,these bunks are a lot more comfortable than they look"

"Lucky you" Ant said sarcastically.

"Don't worry" Dec smiled "you'll probably have a better night tonight and you can always have a nap later"

"Yeah,maybe" Ant nodded while toying with the idea of telling Dec that he was the reason he'd had such a bad night.

"Do you sleep well usually?" Dec asked.

Well,if Dec wants to know why he hadn't slept well Ant thought,he might as well be honest.

"Yeah,pretty good" Ant nodded "but I don't usually have to listen to you shouting and talking in your sleep"

"Oh" Dec replied sheepishly "did I?"

"Yeah,ya did" Ant confirmed.

"Sorry" Dec replied "it's not the first time I've talked in my sleep and no doubt it won't be the last,I wish I could stop it"

Ant did then feel a slight pang of guilt,Dec couldn't help it after all.

"It's ok" he smiled "I'm sure I'll get used to it"

"Sorry" Dec repeated and Ant could tell that he was embarrassed.

"Was I at least saying anything interesting?" Dec asked,while attempting to relieve his embarrassment.

"Didn't really make much sense" Ant shrugged "you mentioned your mam though"

"Ugh,I'm such a baby" Dec shook his head in despair.

"No,you're not" Ant laughed "just forget about it and if it happens again,I'll just have to deal with it"

"It's not fair that I kept you awake though" Dec replied sadly.

"Honestly it's fine" Ant smiled and sat up on his bunk,leant forward and patted Dec on the shoulder reassuringly.

But Dec wasn't convinced.

"I usually only talk in my sleep when I'm stressed apparently" Dec informed Ant "or so I've been told,I guess I was more worried about this journey than I cared to admit"

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