"You know, I don't think anyone replaced your locker. Sure classmates have come and gone, but I bet you're old one is available." He said and led me towards his locker. "You have the same? The locker you had 4 years ago? As in the one where I carved a dick on the lockerdoor?" I asked and right in that moment Cal opened the locker and yes, there it was. The huge dick printed in on the door.

Cal looked tiring at me with a smirk. "Yeah, here it is, no copy." He said and chuckled. "I feel flattered." I said and pretended to hide my blush. "Yeah, no one makes dicks like you do, Sky." He continued and closed his locker.

I smiled at him before I looked around me. I've had so much fun with Cal that forgot about my other old friends. I wonder if they're still around. I kept on looking behind and infront of me in search for any of them.

Oh god, who am I kidding? I didn't recognize Calum when I saw him. How can I possibly believe that I'll be able to recognize the others?

"Earth to Sky!" I heard and turned my head to Calum who waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times and adjusted to his presence. "Wh-what?" I expressed quietly and looked at him. "You were like starring at no one." Cal said and smirked at me. I shoke it off and grinned back at him.

"Come on, let's go to class." He said and putted his hand on my back to guide me forward to our old classroom, and yes, I remember it like it was yestersay.


"This is so boring I'm going to puke..." I muttered to Cal who sat next to me in the corner of the old classroom. "Yeah I know, this sucks." He responded and played with his pen between his fingers while resting his head on the desk in front of us. English used to be an interesting subject but here it literally sucked so balls.

"Gah, I can't take this anymore." I muttered and stood up from my seat. I quietly walked towards the door when a voice interrupted me. "Miss, where are you going?" I suddenly stopped and turned around the teacher who fixed her ugly glasses on her pointy nose.

"The bahroom." I said as if it was the most abvious thing on earth. She looked weird at me but soon shrugged and let me go out the door.

I closed the door after me and let out a victory sigh. Safe! I looked around in the hallway and soon understood that I was alone. It was a great feeling to just walk down the aisle and think.

I turned around a corner and began walking down another hallway that would take me to the toilets where I could sit for the 15 minutes that's left of class before the hallways are filled with students again.

Right when I was about to open the girl's bathroom door it swung open and hitted me right on the nose which made me stumble backwards and fall on my butt. "Oh my god! I am so so sorry! I didn't see you there!" A cute blonde said and bend down next to me.

"It's okay, I'm fine." I responded. Suddenly I felt something hot run down over my mouth and hit the floor. Both me and the girl looked at it. I quickly tried to hide my nose with my hand, but it was no use, she saw the blood drip down my nose. Damn it.

"Shit! Let me help you!" She expressed and helped me stand up. "I can't even explaine how sorry I am." She whined as we slowly walked into the toilets. "It's fine! It's not like I'm gonna die." I sarcastically said and chuckled.

"Here, bend over." She ordered and gently pulled my head over the sink. I did as she told me while she grabbed some nearby paper and laid it on the bench next to us before she walked up by my side to help me. She gently grabbed my hair and held it in a ponytale behind my head, avoiding it to come in contact with the red liquid.

The soul has no identity (5sos fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now