Chapter 26

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It was Friday evening and I was nervously switching channels on the TV at home, trying in vain to find something to occupy myself with. But alas, nothing helped. My mind kept running to Erick and his brother who had a business dinner at one of the hotels today. Subconsciously, I knew that Erick would not betray us, because after all, that would only dig a deeper hole in his grave, but even so, the nervousness did not leave me. After all, something can always go wrong, not to mention the two who were just waiting for an opportunity to attack each other.

Every now and then, I glanced at my phone to make sure that some of the names of the men mentioned above did not appear on the screen, but the screen remained black. Fortunately. That was probably a good sign, wasn't it? I assumed that Erick would be the first to call to warn me and Nick would be banging on my door as if he had lost his senses to clear my stomach properly.

Their rivalry! I didn't understand why they still couldn't forget the past. Why don't they let her swim? What's the point of digging into it all the time? Does this help anyone at all?

After nine o'clock, I was already a bundle of nerves. I didn't understand what could take them so long. After all, a four-course menu can be eaten in thirty minutes, even at a slow pace, and they had already been sitting there for a little over three hours. After all, during that time and with the icy atmosphere that must have settled around their table, even the food on their plate must have frozen. Can't Erick at least send me a short text that everything is okay? Does it not occur to him at all that I sit here all evening like on pins and needles and I am not far from biting all my fingernails?

"God, these guys," I complained aloud to myself, but I wasn't relieved one bit.

I got up from the couch with my cell phone in my hand and walked around the living room. I fought the urge to write to Eric to see if everything was as it should be, I even considered not subtly contacting Nick and extracting some information from him as well. I had no doubt that my brother would love to complain about Erick on the phone. I would definitely listen like a thousand times before how arrogant, conceited and unpleasant Erick is.

It was almost ten-thirty when the door to my apartment finally opened and Erick appeared in it. Normally, looking at him, I felt like a stone fell from my heart, pushing me to the ground. With the doctor's experienced gaze, I quickly scanned his face and then his body. Fortunately, he was whole, without a visible laceration, without a colored print of Nick's palm, or a single drop of blood on his perfectly fitting suit. There was no fight, so they behaved like two civilized people.

"How was dinner?" I asked him with a friendly smile on my face, which I used to cover my curiosity for deeper information.

"Don't even remind me of that dinner," he barked irritated.

And oops! An instant chill ran down my spine and a red light went on in my head.

"Just don't tell me that you've got caught again!" Did he betray us? My brain froze and my heart was pounding. The muscles in my neck stiffened and a suspicion came over me that everything was already out.

"Your brother is a pure barbarian," he blurted out and kicked his shoes into the corner.

"At least don't talk about him like that in front of me," I warned him.

"Even if I'm right?" He ran a hand through his hair in exasperation.

"Did you tell him about us?" I asked him cautiously, though I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer.

On the one hand, it would be good. I would finally be relieved because I wouldn't have to lie and hide anymore. I wouldn't mind every look at my brother, but on the other hand, I was terrified of his reaction. And what if Erick got scared of him and ran to the other side of the globe?

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