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Hyunjin and Y/n weren't seen together for a few days now. Students began to notice it. Slowly more people approached him. They started following him again.

Hyunjin's head lied on the table. All day he had heard the question if he had broken up with Y/n. It was the only thing they cared about. "You alright mate?" his roommate asked. "You keep saying no to the question but you seem like you're going through a break-up." he continued. "We just got into a fight." Hyunjin said. "A pretty big one I assume. I'm even surprised you lasted these days without her." he replied. Hyunjin stayed quiet and turned his head to the window.

"Can't you just say sorry? You clearly miss her." his roommate said. "It's not so easy." Hyunjin replied and looked at his friend. "I think you're making it more complicated than it has to be." he replied. Hyunjin thought about that sentence for awhile.

"Permission. Tssskk. From him. No. How dare he say such a thing. I hate him." Y/n said to Chaewon. "Don't say things you'll regret later." her friend said. "To be fair, you going was kind of asking for trouble." "Excuse you. You begged me." "I know, I'm trying to scold myself. However you didn't flirt and asking for permission is a bit much. We're living in the 21st century." Chaewon rambled on. "Exactly." Y/n agreed.

"Come on. Let's go get lunch." Chaewon said as they walked towards the cafeteria. As they walked into the cafeteria, Y/n bumped into someone. "I'm sor-" she stopped herself from saying anything as she noticed it was Hyunjin. They looked at each other while being absolutely quiet. Y/n noticed people watching them so she flashed him a smile before rushing to get her food.

Even though it wasn't a genuine smile. It still made Hyunjin feel better. The feeling in his stomach was there again. Yet he didn't think anything special about it, only that he was hungry without realizing it so he went to get some food.

Y/n sat at the table with only Chaewon. She was not going to apologize to him. She knew that she was somewhat wrong in the situation but talking about permission made it feel as if she was his little puppet. And she didn't like that at all, therefore she wasn't gonna apologize just yet. She would some day just not now.

Hyunjin was sitting with his friends. He had a clear view on Y/n. "Have you still not made up with her?" a friend of him asked. He had a longing look on his face as he was staring at her while chewing his food. "If this is about pride. You should let it go." the other friend said. He noticed that Hyunjin wasn't replying to him so he looked at what he was looking at. "You are hopeless." his friend said. Hyunjin didn't bother to defend himself.

"He's staring at you. Quite intensely." Chaewon said as she turned her head back to look at her friend. "I know. I can see him in the corner of my eye." Y/n replied. "Will it hurt your pride to just talk?" Chaewon asked. "Yes. Just because I agreed on doing the fake relationship doesn't mean I'm his puppet." she argued. "I know what you mean. But this all could easily be fixed. How about I go talk to him and explain how I begged you to go." her friend suggested. "Wonnie, we're old enough to figure it out ourselves. But thanks anyways." Y/n replied.



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