"There is no need to ask when you already know what i want." He continued then hummed. "But you were not wrong in asking because i find that i want new things every day. It is most fascinating."

"You are a coward." Waverly panted. Many parts of her body had gone cold and numb from how the circulation of blood was suddenly cut off from those parts.

"I am not here for your petty taunts, Waverly." Judson chuckled. "I have come to. . . as you put it earlier, retaliate."

"Why am i still alive then?" She strained again. Her whole body shivered and shook uncontrollably and it affected her voice. She could feel her healing powers sifting about in confusion - another effect of Oculmus's presence. Being in the dark had always had a negative effect on her.

"You know, i have asked myself the same question over and over." Judson frowned then his face calmed. "If i wanted you dead, little moonbeam, you would have never escaped the seaside ambush with that son of Brid. But i had other plans."

"Kidnapping Judson?" She spat bitterly.

"We are supposed to be past that by now, no?" Judson stilled, looking Waverly straight in the eye that even from the distance she felt his gaze pierce through her soul. "I am never letting go of the boy."

His words were venomous and Waverly felt it sting her very soul. A huge part of her feared he was telling the truth. She gritted her teeth in anger. Judson took a few steps forward so that he was about thirteen walks away from where she hovered, still bounded tightly by vines.

"As i was saying, i am here to retaliate and i would not be the Emperor of Chaos if i did not cause much dissension especially amongst my enemies."

"I-I thought. . . that you had the Nysan gods at your command. What happened to Shira? Fregar? Pech?"

Judson chuckled. "Oh, i do not need them now. If i did, they would be here in my stead."

The vines around Waverly suddenly loosened and she fell back on the bed in a slump, feeling a weakness so intense that she could not lift her head. She drew in deep, calming breaths and tried to focus.

"It felt incredible, did it not? Receiving all that praise after such a deemingly marvelous accomplishment."

Waverly could not see him but she felt Judson pacing around slowly while he spoke.

"With every passing hour, you become more and more like Alluna; reveling in praises sung to your name, basking in the powers you possess to break the rules. And that tawdry stubbornness with which you think can do as you please and be held unaccountable. So tell me, how did it feel?"

Waverly found that she had gathered enough strength to push herself up but only a tad. She found Judson standing directly in front of the bed. "What are you talking about?"

"I told you that they would not let you. That Elf, the dear one you resurrected - how did it feel being powerful enough to bring him back and yet not being allowed to do it?"

Waverly was greatly offended and angry but she felt a forceful restraint in her gut that made her keep entirely still. She remembered that Oculmus had foretold during their last meeting that she would resurrect someone but would not be permitted to do it. Then, she had had no idea it would be Dermot. Her lips thinned as she stared uncomfortably into Oculmus's eyes.

"He was not meant to live." She replied blankly.

Judson tilted his head slowly. "And you believe that?"

"What's it to you?" Waverly spat.

"I could kill you within this very second but then all of that glorious power would go to waste. I also could spare your life and that of all your beloved, if you will all pledge undying servitude to me. You see, i can spare life. I can end it and i can restart it if i wish."

The Night's Curse #3 (Waverly Stump and The 7 Realms)Where stories live. Discover now