Chapter 9

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Rose and Tristan spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get to the Eastern Town, pausing every once in a while to drink water from the goblet and to collect berries from bushes. Rose was surprised at how Tristan was so familiar with these woods. It almost seemed like he had been there often.

"How do you know so much about this place" she asked him.

"I love exploring the woods when I'm bored." Tristan said shrugging.

"Oh." Was all she said. She didn't know how to answer so instead, she changed the subject. "I don't think we'll reach the Eastern Town before night fall. Want to set up camp here?" she said while looking at the map. They were just on the outer borders of the town, and there was a long way to go.

"I know a clearing near here, we can sleep there." He replied looking back at her. "You okay with that?"

"Yeah, sure." She said shrugging. So they walked for a few more minutes in silence, the only sound was their breathing and footsteps.

Once they reached the clearing, Tristan built a campfire using dried up sticks they found. After they ate some of the berries they collected for their dinner, they prepared to sleep.

"I only have one blanket, Tristan; it would be unfair for me to have it and you die of coldness." Rose said.

"It's ok, I can go near the campfire, plus I'm keeping first watch anyway." He replied.

"I won't let you do that, you have to sleep, you did enough for me today already." Rose argued.

"I'm not tired." He said

"I'm not either." She said yawning.

"See? You're tired. Now go to bed. If it makes you better, I'll wake you up once I feel sleepy." He bargained.

"Fine." She grumbled, annoyed that she lost another argument with him. She lay down on the ground and put the blanket around her, and instantly fell asleep.


Rose woke up with a shiver; it was so cold, even with her blanket around her. In her estimation, it was about two in the morning. She looked around and found Tristan sleeping near the campfire for heat. She felt selfish; she had the blanket all to herself when he was so cold.

She stood up and laid her blanket on him. She smiled at him fondly; she couldn't believe that her best friend was back. Not feeling sleepy anymore, she sat down next to him and just kept watch.

Rose was just about to wake Tristan after two hours when she heard a shout of help. Tristan bolted upright, the blanket falling off him. "Rose, was that you? Are you okay?" he asked, panic in his eyes.

"I'm ok, but that man sure isn't. We must help him, c'mon." She said, folding up the blanket and putting it in her bag. Together, they ran towards the source of the cries of help.

The person calling for help was a man with greying hair and kind brown eyes, which currently held so much pain. He was propped against a large rock and had a big cut on his right leg. "Help! Help! Please! Anyone!" he called

"What happened to you, sir?" Rose asked, concern written all over her face.

"I was walking, when I tripped on a rock and cut my leg. It's really deep." He winced. "I need help."

"Can we do anything to help, sir?" Tristan asked.

"Can you please get me some long sticks, and a large leaf?" The man requested.

"Ok, we'll be back in ten minutes, wait here." Rose said.

"Like I have a choice." The man said sarcastically.

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