FORTY-FOUR | year 6

Start from the beginning

"Hello, sir. Wonderful to see you," said Harry, smiling. "So what brings you here, sir?"

"Oh, the Three Broomsticks and I go way back. Longer than I'd care to admit. In fact, I remember when it was simply One Broomstick!" Slughorn guffaws, Harry joins in, laughing heartily as well. Cassiopeia sent him a confused look.

The skinny kid slides three foaming mugs into the table, Cassiopeia takes a small sip from Harry's drink before handing it to him. Cassiopeia notices that Katie Bell held the package in her hands, emerging from the back, sitting down next to her friend.

"Listen, m'boy. In the old days, I used to throw together the occasional supper and invite a select student or two," said Slughorn. "Would you be game?"

"I'd consider it an honour, sir," said Harry.

"You'd be welcome too, Granger," chuckled Slughorn. 

Hermione, in the midst of emptying her Butterbeer in one long draw, slams down her mug -- leaving behind a "mustache."

"Be delighted, sir." She gave him a polite smile.

"Ah Malfoy! What're you doing with them?" He asked, confused.

"She's my girlfriend, sir," Harry said, grinning proudly.

"Ah! Wow! That's quite unbelievable," he muttered, Cassiopeia scoffed. "All right, you two look for my owl. Good to see you, Wallenby."

He patted Ron's shoulder before waddling away. Ron then turns to Harry with a confused look.

"What're you playing at?"

"Dumbledore asked me to... get to know him." Harry shrugged, sipping his butterbeer.

"Get to know him?" Cassiopeia lifted a brow, "what for?"

"Dunno," he replied, "But it must be important. Otherwise, Dumbledore wouldn't ask."

They continued to chat for a while and Cassiopeia's eyes landed on her brother, who watched Katie Bell start for the exit along with her friend.

"Let's get back to Hogwarts," said Ron, drinking his butterbeer, Harry followed suit.

Cassiopeia and the other three stood up, grabbing their coats. Except for Cassiopeia.

"Let me get my coat," she excused herself, she approached Draco who had her coat on his lap, she grabbed it before muttering to him: "see you in the room,"

He nodded, and Cassiopeia wore her coat before following the three out of the pub.

As they walked, Cassiopeia gripped her coat tighter. She noticed Katie and her friend walking not too far away from them.

Cassiopeia slightly jumped when a warm scarf was placed around her neck. She turned to Harry, giving him a grateful smile.

"No gloves?" He asked.

"No," she shrugged before taking his hand, "who needs one when I've got you?"

Harry rolled his eyes as Cassiopeia chuckled. Hermione was laughing around, catching snowflakes on her tongue.

"Katie! You don't know what it could be!"

Up ahead, Katie Bell and Leanne stand in the drifting snow. Katie picks up the package that fell. Hermione comes bumping up, drapes her arms over Harry and Cassiopeia.

''What's up?" She chuckled. Cassiopeia notices that the opal necklace laid on the snowy ground, Katie bends down to pick it up.


Cassiopeia wanted to scream at Katie to not touch it, but she couldn't. At that very instant, Katie Bell rises six feet into the air. Hair dancing violently in the wind, her face remains eerily placid, her open mouth letting out a scream.

As Harry, Ron and Hermione dash forward, Cassiopeia stood still, scowling before letting out a heavy sigh. She puts on her concerned look and ran after them.

"I warned her! I warned her not to touch it!" said Leanne, tears streaming down her face as she looked up at her friend.

Lying in the snow is the package torn. Hermione bends to take a closer look at the familiar necklace.

"Don't touch it, Hermione!" warned Cassiopeia.

"Get back! All o' yeh!" shouted the voice of Hagrid.  He says this so forcefully the others instantly obey. Effortlessly, he scoops up Katie's thrashing body that just fell on the ground.

"Don't go touchin' that but by the wrappin's. Unnerstan'?" Hagrid nods darkly to the package in the snow.

Cassiopeia took out her wand, muttered a spell, and placed the floating necklace inside the paper bag. She took off Harry's scarf and placed the package on top of the scarf for extra precaution.

The trio looked at her, and she nodded at them before following Hagrid into the castle.

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