chapter 39: boyfriend

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Steve ~
I stare out of the window. I know that I don't have a house to go back to. Eddie is trying to make me feel better. He's singing some song that's playing on the radio. "RUNNING UP THAT ROADDD, BE RUNNING UP THAT HILL, BE RUNNING UP THAT BUILDING-" My mom knew the whole time? And, she didn't tell me? Eddie parks in Robin's driveway.

"Steve?" He asks, interrupting my thoughts. "Huh?" I respond, looking over at him. "What happened in there? When I was outside earlier?" He asked. "Oh.. uh.. a lot. Turns out, my mom knew the whole time. Let's just not get into it." I reply, grabbing the cat carrier and getting out.

I walk to the porch. I knock on the door. "Hey." I say, staring at Robin. "Steve? What are you doing here? Do you know how late it is? We have to work tomorrow!" Robin exclaims, standing in the doorway.

"Um, yeah... I know. You said you had a guest room? Could we stay here tonight?" I ask, hesitantly. "Yeah, yeah sure. My parents are out of town so they won't care. Come on. But, only because you have kittens." Robin replies, walking back into her house.

Steve and I walk in and shut the door behind us. "Bathroom is right there, and here's your room. I gotta go back to bed. Don't mess the room up, dingus." Robin says, walking away. I sit on the bed. "IT'S SO COMFORTABLE." Eddie exclaims, flopping on the bed. I turn the light off and take my shoes off. I let the kittens out of the carrier and lie down on the bed.

I didn't realize how tired I was, because I fell asleep almost instantly. I woke up to Robin yelling. "STEVE. COME ON YOU IDIOT, GET UP OR YOU DON'T HAVE A RIDE TO WORK." She yells, clapping her hands in my face. "I'M UP!" I reply, walking over to my shoes and sliding them on. I grab my vest and see that my name tag is missing. "Eddie, have you seen my name tag?" I ask, walking over to him.

"Uh so... I kinda threw it out the window. I was mad! I'm sorry. Like, really sorry." Eddie replies, looking at me with a worried look. "Damnit, Munson!" I exclaim, pinching the bridge of my nose. "It's fine Steve, you can just use one of the old ones in the break room. Come on, we're gonna be late!" Robin says, walking out of the door.

I kiss Eddie on the cheek before running out the door. Robin tosses me the keys and I get in her car. "So, what exactly did I miss?" Robin asked, glancing over at me. "Oh um... My dad is alive-" "WAIT, WHAT? No, no, no. That's impossible. We had a funeral!" Robin exclaims, doing her makeup in the rearview mirror. "Yeah. He faked it. My mom knew too. Because, that's just my dumb luck, Robin." I add, parking in front of the movie store.

Eddie ~
Nancy waves at me as I pull out of the driveway. She agreed to babysit the kittens today. I start driving to work, not knowing if I still have my job. I park and run inside. "Eddie?" Gareth asks, looking a bit shocked to see me. "Hey. Sorry I couldn't bring your axe back. It's kinda um... Gone." I reply, walking to the counter. "You're alive?!" He asks, standing up.

"Yeah? Do I still have a job, man?" I ask, tapping my fingers on the counter. "Yeah!" Gareth exclaims, hugging me. "Nice shirt, Metallica? Cool." I ask, pulling out of the hug. "Oh uh, thanks. Just got it yesterday." He responds, blushing. He didn't like me. I know he doesn't. He knows me and Steve are dating. And, me and Gareth are strictly friends. I ignore it and start sorting through the records. "My friend is meeting me outside, I'll be right back." Gareth says, walking outside.

I go behind the counter and someone walks in. "Hi. I'm looking for Gareth?" A lady asks. "Let me go get him for you." I reply, walking outside. "He doesn't like me back. He's dating that Steve dude! Steve is so annoying. Like why would he date Steve? Of all the guys, Eddie chose him. Why won't he-"

"You want to know why I chose Steve? I'll tell you. Steve loves me on my good days and my bad days. He loves me when I'm mad and when I'm sad. Steve loves me even when, I annoy the shit out of him. He supports the decisions I make. He watches scary movies with me so I don't have to watch them alone. When I fall asleep in the car, Steve doesn't wake me up. Instead, he carries me to bed and takes my shoes off. He tucks me in. He grabs my keys when I forget them. Steve loves me for who I am. You don't know anything about me." I interrupt them.

He stands there in shock, while I walk back inside. I can hear Gareth yelling at the lady from earlier. I check my watch and see that it's almost time to close. We close early on Thursdays for some reason.

I grab the van keys and walk outside. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "Eddie-" "Get the hell away from me, Gareth. You know that I have a boyfriend. Just go. I'll lock up." I say, shutting the store door and locking it. I walk to the van and start driving away. He liked me? He had to be lying. He knows we're just friends.

I thought he was friends with Steve. I can't believe he said all of that. Gareth was one of my best friends. I might have been a little bit harsh. But he shouldn't have talked about Steve like that. It made me furious.

I should have seen it coming. That's why he blushed earlier. I feel so stupid. I could have avoided all of this. Actually, I'm glad I didn't. Everything I said about Steve, was true. I don't regret a single word I said.

A/N: hey readers! finally, a quality-ish chapter. anyways, big plot twist like whatttt?! thanks for being so patient. it's hard to focus on writing when I have so many other things to do. i try my best though. i hope you enjoyed this chapter! thanks for reading. much love♥️
words ~ 1084

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