chapter 3: bisexual?

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Steve ~
Me and Eddie walk to the kitchen and I grab the drinks while he grabs snacks. We turn around and face each other. Our faces inches apart. He put the food down on the counter and grabbed the drinks from my hands and placed them next to the snacks. He took my hands. I could feel his cold metal rings against my hot, sweaty hands. He started to lean in towards me but then, Henderson opens the door and walks into the kitchen. We both jump as Dustin says "What's taking you so long?"

"We were just uh-"

" We were having a hard time finding some bowls for the chips, but we found them!" I said quickly. I grabbed the food and eddie grabbed the drinks and we followed Dustin downstairs into the basement. We played d&d for hours. "Don't try to be heroes. There's no shame in running." Eddie saidhad to help me navigate what to do, but eventually I figured out how to play.

Afterwards, we said bye to the kids we jumped in my car and I asked if he was hungry. "Yeah I could use something to eat!" He was twirling his hair with his fingers. I watched his hands wrap around his dark, curly hair in the moonlight. I drove to Surfer Boy pizza and ordered a pepperoni pizza.

I grabbed it and we walked back to my car. We started eating and making jokes and I told him everything about the upside down. I trusted him. I think he was a bit in shock. We finished eating and I put the pizza box in the backseat. "I want to leave off where we were at earlier, before Henderson interrupted us..." I looked at him and my heart started to race. He grabbed my warm hands.

I could feel that cold metal from his rings, somehow his rings were always cold. He started to lean in and our lips met. It felt like electricity was running through my veins. Maybe it's not so bad kissing a boy. After the kiss, I looked at him and smiled, he smiled back. "Do you want me to drop you off at your house?" "It's up to you Steve" he called me Steve.


I started to drive to my house because I had a spare room and figured I could take him and help him fix his van in the morning. We pulled up to my driveway and my parents weren't there. They never are. They're always on 'Business trips' or 'Work conferences' I showed Eddie where his room was and I showed him where the bathroom was. I told him goodnight, and we turned around and went out separate ways.

Before I closed my bedroom door, eddie said "Hey Steve, you might be bisexual. It's where you like guys but you also like girls." Bisexual? I looked at him and mumbled "Thanks." my heart started to race again. I flopped on my bed and laid there thinking about that electrifying kiss until I fell asleep.

Eddie ~
Me and Steve walk to the kitchen. I grab some chips while he grabs drinks. We turn around and our faces are level, (except for the fact that's he's taller than me by a couple inches) inches apart. I put the food down on the counter and grab the drinks from his hands and put the drinks next to where I had put the food.

I took his hands. I held them for a bit. It felt right. Like for once in my life, I hadn't messed up. He looked at me then looked at our hands. I started to lean in and then, HENDERSON RUINS THE MOMENT. "What's taking you two so long?" oh god. I try to cover it up. "We were just uh-" "we were having a hard time finding some bowls for the chips but we found them!" thank god steve. I grabbed the drinks and Steve grabbed the snacks.

We followed Henderson back down to the basement. We finished the campaign in d&d. I told them "Don't try to be heroes. There's no shame in running." I had to help steve for the first couple of hours but then he got the hang of it. We said bye to the rest of the club and we went and sat in his car. "Hey, are you hungry?" "Yeah I could use something to eat!" He started driving to surfer boy pizza and he ordered my favorite! Pepperoni.

We took it back to the car and ate. We made jokes and sang to songs and talked about our pasts. He told me all about the upside down. That was a lot to take in. After we finished eating. He put the pizza box in the backseat. "I want to leave off where we were at earlier, before Henderson interrupted us..." it came out of my mouth faster than my brain could process it. I grabbed his warm hands and kissed him. Now this felt right.

It was special. This kiss was different. It was meaningful. After he asked me if I wanted him to drop me off at my house." It's up to you Steve." He started to drive to his house. We pulled up and we walked in. His house was HUGE! Steve showed me where my room was and where the bathroom was. He said goodnight and I said it back. We went our separate ways.

Before I shut my door I told him "Hey Steve, you might be bisexual. It's where you like guys but you also like girls." he looked at me and blushed again. He smiled and said thanks. I laid down on that bed and stared at the ceiling thinking about Steve Harrington. I'm falling for Steve Harrington. Wow. I fell asleep.

A/N: hey readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know if you liked it! Love you all! ♥️
word count ~ 1003

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