"I gat you Aunty Haneefah, so you can fear like this?" Nurudeen said taking a bite of the yam I was frying " Umar must hear of this"

After Making breakfast I went to the room got my bags ready and kept them at the corridor.

Finally, the room looks neat.
I cleaned the room I and my mother stayed in.

My mother's train back to Kaduna was by 6pm. She didn't have any reason to stay in Abuja again so immediately after my flight she would take the night train back to Kaduna.

I decided to stay in the room and listen to music But then I became bored went on YouTube to continue my language class on how to speak little Ghanaian language when I noticed a notification

"Oh my goodness!!!" I exclaimed. It was a message from Mrs Kola. I was so happy deeply praying it was a good news concerning my passport.

Mrs Kola sent me a text saying I should come to a particular office to see her when I get to the airport.

Alhamdulilah!!! My passport was ready.

I quickly dialed her number to tell her i would be there by 12pm or thereabout since my flight has been postponed to 2pm.

I quickly sent ya Alim a message on Whatsapp concerning the good news I had just received.

Oh Lord, my heart was fuming with so much joy that I didn't know when I stood up and started dancing.

Then my phone started beeping, it was Khalifa calling.

I picked it happily, smiling from ear to ear on the phone with him, along the line we kind of started flirting with one another I am sure he was surprised with my new behaviour.

I won't say I liked Khalifa but I was beginning to enjoy his company basically and it won't hurt to catch cruise I guess. It was nothing, I knew I felt nothing for him.

I had my last relationship while I was in secondary school which was 4years back so it wouldn't hurt if I just play along with Khalifa moreover he seems like a playboy to me

"Haneefah!!!!" My uncle shouted my name from the sitting room

"Yea uncle I am coming" I said rushing to carry a peach veil which was on the bed to cover my hair

"Yes sir, I am here" I said kneeling a little as a sign of respect

"Carry the car keys, and drop your luggages inside the booth. Tell the gateman to help you with the heavy ones" he said while operating his phone

I nodded and went outside called the gateman to help me with the luggages while I opened the booth for him.

"1,2,3 and 4 ahhhh, they're all complete" I said to the gateman while thanking him

"Nurudeen!!! Umar!!!!" I called out to my nephews

It was 12:24pm already and my Uncle said traffic in Abuja was something else. His house was also quite far from the airport so we should better start leaving

"Yes aunty Haneefah" Umar said running to me and was finally accompanied by Nurudeen

"Come here joor" I said hugging them both tight and kissing them each

" That's gross" Umar said cleaning his cheeks

" Well, my flight is by 2pm so I would be leaving now. Okay?" I said to them smiling " please be good children and always remember to pray on time"

I was sounding like a typical mother right now.

Before I could finish my statement, Nurudeen ran to the house

I was dumbfounded by such behaviour and I ran after him

" Nurudeen, what's wrong" I said rubbing his shoulder

" You are leaving me, must you go Aunty Haneefah!?" He said with his eyes filled with tears

Ofcourse I must go, it my time to get all I have always wanted in life

" I will be back InshaAllah, with plenty goodies for you my darling" I said rubbing his cheeks

" Okay, can I follow you to the airport please!?" He said giving me his best pity face

"Well you know you've lesson today, but I'll plead with your daddy. Let's go outside they're all waiting for us" I said holding his hands

After so many begging, my uncle decided both Umar and Nurudeen can follow us to the airport

" Haneefah, I hope you didn't forget anything?" My mother asked while we were half way

" I didn't momma" I said looking outside the car

I needed a camera sincerely speaking.

I spent most of the time looking outside and playing with my nephews.

Children are the most purest, so innocent and fragile.

Wow the airport was bigger than I expected. It was my first time ever going to the airport and I was amazed

I held my backpack closer and started walking to the terminal together with my family

I could tell my mother was already close to crying.
She would definitely miss me

I made a mental note to message my father and siblings immediately I was done seeing Mrs Kola

" Good afternoon ma" I said to Mrs Kola. " Yes ma, I am at the terminal already. Yes I have seen the signboard, okay I would be there right away"

"I will be right back" I said to my family who were all seated at the airport.

" Ah, you must be miss Haneefah Ibrahim" said a woman who I later figured out was Mrs Kola.

Mrs Kola was definitely in her late thirties. She had a plain straight face

" Yes ma, good afternoon ma" I said smiling at her

"How're you doing" she said

" Well, Concerning your passport it turns out........" she began saying when suddenly her phone started ringing

" Give me few minutes I will be right back" she said excusing herself from her cubicle

Different thoughts again where going through my head. To say I would nervous would be an understatement I was beyond terrified.

The way she said it was like there was a bit of problem. I was getting really scared while I looked outside the window lost in thoughts.

A/N: I wonder who the mysterious lady Ahmed is talking about. Who is she!!!!
Drama Drama and more drama 😂😂😂😂

Well keep reading to find out lovelies!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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