"Ok your right I don't understand. But what I know  is that your concern will only go as far as she lets it.", he stated back with a similar tone.

Audrina only hummed. Nodding as physical indication that she heard what he said. Key word:


Feeling the conversation was over she wrapped up, by drinking the final drops of her tea and stood. She wanted to bring up his past relationship, understand on that scale what happened. But she refrained from asking because she knew the pain of digging up old memories. It was hard enough to swallow, bringing it back up was just as challenging (mentally and physically). So she opted out to another, "Can you.....umm.", she took a deep breath, "Tell me how's Yuki doing."

She heard him turn in his chair. But she was too busy distracting herself; trying best to swallow her guilt (another difficult task). "I mean I understand he's living with Shigure and...... I just want to know if he's...... I guess the right word would be trying."

She lifted her head and met his eyes again. And to her relief a nod came immediately from the doctor. "He's working at it. Not there yet, but definitely closer than before."

She sighed out a breath. She wished everyday she could change the past and agree to his living situation. The room in her apartment still remained empty. Her feeling guilty to even consider making it into something else. So instead it remained hollow. The door closed and every time she walked by it, an image of Yuki curled in a helpless ball flashed in her mind. She even took lengths of avoiding walking past it. No matter if she was with the Zodiacs or not. They always found a way to follow her everyday life. Reason one out of many why to this day she hasn't recovered.

"Good", it came out breathless.

"You should tell him.", Hatori suggested which immediately had Audrina shaking her head.

"I can't tell him that. Then it would get into a topic of me not wanting him in my life. Which we both know that's not true.", a giggle past her lips, "When I used to take him to school, Amrin would..........ummm. He would joke about how I treat him like a son. And Yuki told me he wished I was his Mom." Audrina choked on her own words after saying his name. Her mind went back to that car ride. She left out much detail but, it was summary enough.


"We're going to be late.", the male in the passenger seat stated.

Audrina rolled her eyes, leaning her body against the back of the drivers seat, as they came to a stop light she turned to face him. And staring back at her with a deadpanned expression, hair tie between his teeth was her boyfriend who was tying back his hair.

His green eyes never left hers as he took the hair tie from his mouth and tied his heap of black hair into a bun. "I need a personal repayment and an explanation to my worrisome parents as to why their dear son is late for school."

A smile curled on his lips as Audrina continued to stare. That broke her as a smirk came across her lips, "You're always late. What makes it different now?"

He was quick to respond, "Because your suppose to be my good influence. I'm suppose to be your troublemaker. We date, kiss, marry, grow old. I even plan to be trouble at the ripe age of 70. This is just a trial run....... And you, nightbird, are failing.... Right little man?"

Audrina's gaze followed Amrin's to the small grey headed boy in the back seat. Yuki wore his school uniform, situated in the middle seat he looked at each of them before pointing directly in the middle. The word that came out of his mouth not dealing with what Amrin asked, "It's green."

Audrina quickly turned and saw the light was indeed green, and pushed on the gas. "What would I do without you Yuki?", she looked into the rear view mirror and winked. He giggled at that. "Now as for you", she took one of her hands off the steering wheel and placed a finger on Amrins temple. Pushing off of it. "Don't distract the driver. You chose to ride with us. I'm perfectly content with it just being Yuki."

"Right, how could I ever interrupt mother and son bonding", he retorted.

Audrina side eyed him, "I'm not his mother."

"You can be", a high pitched voice came from the backseat. Audrina turned her gaze to the rear view mirror. Yuki was looking back at her with a bright face. His eyes were wide as if the possibility was indeed true. And as she tried to keep her smile, it faded a little at how excited he was at the statement. Amrin took notice of the change in Audrina's attitude and butted in the conversation before it took more of her spirit.

He turned back to face Yuki, grabbing the child's attention, "It's a package deal little man, she's with me. I promise to be a great father."

Yuki was instantly shaking his head, which caused Audrina to laugh. She didn't see the smile of relief from her passenger at the very sound. But he then thought about it, "Wait... why not?". This set Audrina into a laughing fest. And it continued like that all the way till they dropped Yuki off.

(End of flashback)

Audrina came back to reality when another voice sounded into the kitchen. "Good you're awake." She saw it on his face. Something happened between Shigure and Akito. His eyes were more hooded compared to any other day. His walk was slower. Tell-take signs that she was starting to bring back to memory. At the sight she froze.

Hatori may not have noticed Shigure's demeanor but, once Audrina froze, his gaze snapped to the new addition.

Shigure on the other hand was already waking, to the other open door. The one that Audrina just walked in. The one where Akito's room lied. He paused seeing she wasn't moving, "Audri I'm not cruel. We are a team, I need my partner for such matters."

She broke from her frozen state and rolled her eyes, "Find another partner."

Shigure chuckled, "Aww that can't do...... we both know that. If it's not broken don't fix it.", he started down the hallway, his piece echoed as he finished, "Otherwise you're in more risk of completely shattering it."

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