"Yes, Miss. Most the family is awake. The walls here are thick, and spelled to reduce noise. The Mistress and her family are a'marlon, so the quieter atmosphere is better for their ears."

"Ah. Of course." I could've guessed that...

D'tessa looked down again, then seemed to remember the bundle she held. "Oh! This is for you, Miss. Master D'merdon thought you might like something clean to put on. Shall I help you dress, Miss, or shall I lay it out on the bed?"

Vania blinked. Help me dress? Nobles can't even dress themselves? "You can give it to me. Thank you, D'tessa." Vania forced herself to smile and held out her hands.

"Of course, Miss." The girl seemed relieved to be rid of her burden. "Is there anything I can do for you, Miss?"

"No. Thank you, D'tessa."

"I'm just down the hall, Miss—I've been assigned to you, to see to your needs. If you need anything, just pull the cord by the bed, and I'll come."

Assigned to me? Vania frowned, but nodded. "Okay. Thank you, D'tessa. I... don't imagine I'll need anything." I'm apparently more independent than you're used to.

"Very well, Miss." D'tessa bowed and walked away.

Vania closed the door and walked to the bed, muttering, "Nobles can't even dress themselves..." She tossed the clothes on the bed, eyes catching on a lavender cord with silver accents, hanging from the ceiling; it ended in a big knot with a tassel that hung near the edge of the bed. The rope that summons D'tessa. If I've suddenly forgotten how to dress. She frowned and looked at the garments she'd been given, now in a messy pile of brown, blue, and tan, on the bed. And, apparently, Eddin—I mean, D'merdon—is too embarrassed to be seen with me unless I'm wearing clean, rich-people clothes, instead of my simple, 'common' outfit. She looked down at her tunic and sighed, trying to smooth out the wrinkles from two nights' sleep and a busy day at the bakery. Well, I could use something clean to wear, I guess... And, since he'll be an hour in coming, no sense in putting a dirty girl in clean clothes.

She crossed the room and eyed the tub. The brass handles of the water spigot were slightly tarnished. I almost need a step to get into that thing. I suppose, they probably mostly entertain other a'marlon... She reached over and turned both handles; the water burst forth from the spigot and gurgled down into the bottom of the tub. Oh... I suppose there's some sort of plugging mechanism... It's not practical to have a tub you can fill directly, but then make a servant empty it by the bucketful! She leaned over the edge and peered down. Sure enough, the water was swirling and disappearing down a hole in the tub beneath the gushing spigot. She looked around, then spied the brass and cork plug sitting on the table beside the basket.

Glancing sheepishly around the screen, she shivered as she undressed, then climbed into the tub, jammed the plug into place, and knelt, letting herself sit on her feet, while the water level rose around her. Once the water swirled around her shoulders, she reached out and turned off the spigot.

She turned away from the spigot and rose up on her knees, resting her arms on the back lip of the tub, then lay her head on her arms. As she felt the muscles in her back actually unknotting, she allowed her wings to partially unfurl.

Aaah. This is nice. She sighed. I'd love to have one of these in my house; it accomplished in mere minutes what it normally takes a full hour of stretching to do. She sighed again, frowning. Of course, I don't have any place practical to put one of these, even if I could afford it, plus the cost of spelling the pipes... Maybe I'll just try to get Eddin to invite me over once a month or so. I could even offer to pay him what they charge at the city baths... She inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly. Nobles may have weird ideas for most things, but they do know a thing or two about bathing. And it's private! She closed her eyes. I'm never going to the public baths again.

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