Aizawa's Sweet Curse

Start from the beginning

For some reason, the fact brought a smile to the doll's face as she replied, "yes, a lot has been going on, but everything's fine. Didn't you receive my texts?"

"Yes, only you had a habit of keeping things for... I don't know? My sake, Pink's? Tsu's?" More rustling sounded, Pink's husband huffed, "yours?"

(Y/N) frowned, "are you busy?" Her hands massaged out her twisted brows, "why call when you're busy?"

"I'm not! Shi—" a crash of items sounded, making the woman pull away the phone from her ear.

"Haru—" the doll began.

"I'm packing!"

Perking up on her seat, (Y/N) asked, "you're what?"

"I'm packing! I wanted to surprise you and Tsu, so... TADA~!"

"Woooow~! I'm so surprised."

A good-hearted laugh was heard from the opposite side of the line, Haru sighed, "sarcastic as ever."

"Didn't want your hard work to be in vain. What about work? Can you manage?"

"Of course, I got my darling's hospital expenses and my mother's expenses in check. I made sure to pay the elementary school ahead this time. Oh and Tsu's allowance? Did you get it?"

As (Y/N) fully engaged in her call, the pro-hero collected and organised his documents. Mostly, graded papers and the internship feedback forms. More promised to come, though, with the upcoming written and practical exams. 

Aizawa paid half a mind to the conversation as his head was everywhere and no where. It's been a while since the body switch incident and a good, long while it was with everything that happened between now and then. Yet, he still caught himself reminiscing and pondering over past events. 

Specifically the kiss and everything it revealed.

The switch might've not worked if Aizawa didn't feel anything towards the doll or vice versa and the only one to know this is him. Therefore, he was the one to be cursed with an invasion of emotional doubt, turmoil and conflict almost on a daily basis which included, the following:

Does she recognise her feelings towards him or is she oblivious? 

What is he to do with this information? 

Is there potential for a relationship? Better yet, does he even want to be in a relationship? 

Does she? 

What if he just decided to ignore it all and go about life as he usually does? 

More and more questions plagued his head lately and whenever he shuts them out with disinterest, they pile up to flood over his thoughts.

Basically, everything spiraled into sweet agony.

Not only was Aizawa physically exhausted, he was emotionally drained.

Not to mention, the stunt Iida, Midoriya and Todoroki pulled which was the icing on top of his agonising week.

The hero heaved a sigh at the headache this complicated affair has introduced to an already stressful job.

"Are you that confident in your promises, Haru?" (Y/N)'s tone dramatically darkened, pulling the attention of the sleep-deprived man, "your sugar cube was counting the days for your return and you had the audacity to make her question her math skills and my teaching abilities."

Haru released a shuddering laugh, "won't happen again."

(Y/N)'s satanic tongue harassed the shaking man's soul as she warned, "it better not cause if I see Tsu in a teary mess again, I'll do things the devil would repent for."

The line was dead for long enough to make (Y/N) check if the man had hung up, but then he was resurrected, "ah... Hahahaha! Come on, (Y/N)-chan~! A promise is a promise."

"I'll trust that," (Y/N) sassily replied, "I'm hanging up."

"Of course! You must be busy in school, bye!"

A huff of haughty annoyance was released as (Y/N) placed her phone on the desk with folded arms and a piercing glare.

"What's the matter?" the question sounded all too close to the doll and she looked up to see Aizawa with a stack of documents.

"Just had my usual dose of frustration," she answered, eyeing the documents.

More work.

"You went all devilish on him."

"Did I?" the she-devil wondered, but shrugged. "He'll get over it. I mean, he's a good man," (Y/N) redirected, then corrected, "a good man-child... a messy one."

"Familiar with the sort," Aizawa's monotone reply referring to Present Mic made the doll smile.

Hold on.

Did Aizawa willingly engage in a conversation with her?

And what were his first words? 

"What's the matter?"

Words of concern?

(Y/N)'s heart was doing backflips at the minimal effort of this beautiful man. 

As the love-struck syndrome started showing its effects, she felt her insides turn into a fuzzy, fluttering warmth of all kinds of drugs.

Which reminded her.

"Aizawa," (Y/N) called, innocently looking up at him.

The hero only hummed as he continued stabling the documents from her desk with his.

"I had a dream about you."

As if it were a practiced response, Aizawa instantly shot down and he walked away, "I didn't ask."

"Aren't you curious~?" the doll whined.

"(L/N), have the common decency to not be honest... for once," Aizawa almost begged.

"Fine~" the doll dragged at the word and took a sip of her coffee, only to then deliver a very questionable bit: "you looked good in a dancing suit."

This really was Aizawa's sweet curse.

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