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"Everyone, please welcome our new instructor, (L/N) (Y/N)

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"Everyone, please welcome our new instructor, (L/N) (Y/N)."

The introduced woman bowed and looked up to meet an empty arrangement of desks, with the exception of one. Everyone must be out trying to settle down a very hectic day, so she didn't expect much which was a good start on her part.

A whisper left through (Y/N)'s smile to the principal standing on a stack of boxes next to her, "why are you introducing me like I'm a bomb to beware of?"

"Because you are."

Stunned by his reply, (Y/N)'s smile dropped and her lips formed a thin line showcasing her surrender to the merciless teasing of the principal. 

Her relationship with him didn't mature enough to the mean arc, but she figured Nezu couldn't be bothered. Besides, (Y/N) faced a number of individuals who were so keen on the teasing and playful bullying merely because her appearance egged them on. 

Was it a compliment? An insult? Both could be easily mixed up at this point.

Once Nezu was graced by a judgmental staring session, the Doll's eyes wandered to the teacher and Pro Hero: Midnight, Kayama Nemuri. The only staff member who managed to escape any duties that would've been tossed her way.

"Oh, yes! Another woman!" Midnight commented all the way from her seat after finally managing to clear her vision with a pair of medical contact lenses.

"I guess you were suffocated with all that testosterone," (Y/N) replied sarcastically.

Midnight stared at the science teacher clueless of what she said.

"Umm... you know, a male hormone?" the Doll clarified, ultimately concluding that it was indeed a bad joke. If it was considered one to begin with.

"HA!" The curvaceous woman laughed obnoxiously, "she's such a nerd! I like her!"

"Well, I shall leave you to Midnight, then," Nezu declared jumping off of the boxes as Mario's jump sound effect filled the room, "bye-bye!" he waved with his white paw already on his way to the door.

(Y/N) waved back feeling like an abandoned teenager on her first day of school which isn't far from the truth. She's never met that many Pro Heroes at once before and especially heroes who made a big impact on the big screen, with the exception of Eraser Head, of course. 

Not many bigshot heroes stumble upon Juvenile Detention Centers; however, now (Y/N) is graced with the opportunity to meet and know all about these heroes that are only recognised for a big smile behind a screen.

Here comes a fairly popular one, too.

Now prepared to interact with the famous woman, (Y/N) turned around to find Midnight standing a few inches away, resulting in an inhuman gasp to be released from her.

Kayama held up the surprised face, caressing the cheeks with her manicured thumb.

"Umm... well, this is happening..." (Y/N) awkwardly observed not knowing how she can deal with this situation.

"Tell me," Midnight's red lips moved so gracefully as they released her alluring vocals to dance right into her prey's heated ears, "how come you have such soft, flawless skin!?" She exclaimed startling the doll with the question while she pinching her cheeks, almost abusing them. "And those!?" the manicured hands groped (Y/N)'s breasts squeezing them to check their authenticity. "Oh, they're real..." she perceived with a frown.

"Why are you even checking mine when yours are gigantic?!" (Y/N) whined with a stream of tears while her arms crossed over her chest, insecurity plaguing her mind. She's always been insecure about her chest, especially since she was a late bloomer, making her the prime target of bullying back in those glorious days. And now, her insecurities reached an all-time high with this gorgeous, tall, confident and curvy woman staring down at her.

"Well~" said woman stretched her answer, adding more salt to the injury, "yours are... surprisingly... competent?" Then Midnight gasped and targeted the doll's wavy, shiny locks, "and that smoooooooth hair! You look just like my first doll~!"

"Please refrain from assaulting me," (Y/N) shied away so innocently as a school girl would from her assertive senpai.

Midnight's blushed face and the air snorted from her nostrils couldn't hide her excitement as she squealed fanatically, "Kyaaah!"

True (Y/N) didn't have the body of the sexiest woman, but being cute consoled her woman-pride somewhat. That was until Midnight took her into her bosom with a crushing hug. 

In this case, the cuteness wasn't so appealing. 

Then again, (Y/N) did consider the fact that Kayama might make an enemy out of her on the very first workday as she was famously portrayed, even on live television, for her dislike of younger women and as far as everyone's concerned, (Y/N) appeared 20 years of age.

Perhaps looking like a doll had Midnight take the first ticket down memory lane and forget her resentment.

The two ladies were interrupted by the door sliding open for the missing members of this fantastic play: Eraser, Present Mic and a blushing Snipe.

"Midnight, please. The woman just started," Mic sighed disapprovingly as (Y/N) wiggled her way out of her cage and stared at him questionably. 'So if I wasn't new, it was okay?'

"... Your voices reached the end of the hallway," Eraser remarked heading to his desk at a leisurely pace. 'And looking as tiredly handsome as ever,' (Y/N) would die to remark.

"Welcome to U.A." Snipe greeted the lovestruck doll after clearing his throat. "Excuse Midnight, she can sometimes be... inappropriate."

"Um... thanks," (Y/N) responded, appreciating the first proper welcoming she got.

"We're just cleaning the air from the excessive testosterone," Midnight stated with a dramatical display then turned to her partner in crime, "right, Darling?"

"Right! Of course! That's it!"

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