Food is Vital for Survival

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(Y/N) languidly turned back to face her desk with a soft groan and a hand running through her hair to the back her head, resting there momentarily before sliding to her nape

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(Y/N) languidly turned back to face her desk with a soft groan and a hand running through her hair to the back her head, resting there momentarily before sliding to her nape. All the previously combed back strands, fell gently back on her exhausted features as she squinted at her phone to check the time, her lips pouting even more.

Only when the doll's shiny eyes gazed up absentmindedly in Aizawa's direction did he realise he's been staring.

For a little longer than he should have.

Eraser subtly dropped his gaze to the mess of documents on his desk as the raising heat of his body started to agitate his comfort. The agitation only increased when a certain mental confession stuck him: (Y/N) looked very endearing in her current post-nap state.

A blanket was draped on (Y/N)'s shoulders, her hair a subtle mess of softness, her body heated from the snooze, her eyes teary with suppressed yawns and her lips pouting from the disturbance.

Fortunately, before the pleasant trouble of a melodic, sleepy voice is added to the endearing observations of Eraser Head, (Y/N) cut the list short with a series of stretches and cracking.

Cracked back, neck, arms, knuckles and fingers.

(Y/N) caught the Pro Hero's gaze on her and she temporarily stopped cracking her fingers as she stared back. Eventually and after serious contemplation, the doll finished the last one without a hint of guilt on her features. She knew the sound was irritating to some individuals but the curse strictly states: 'once you start cracking, you finish cracking.'

As if a peace offering, the doll shot the mummy an innocent smile and stood up to freshen up in the restroom.

(∩`-')⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ Commercial break brought to you by: a lady splashing a tsunami on her face (∩`-')⊃━☆゚.*・。゚

Not even five minutes of silence has passed for the Pro Hero and (Y/N) already made an appearance back in the teachers' room. Unlike his noisy colleagues and friends, however, she quietly minded her own business by organising her desk, giving Aizawa a very false sense of tranquility— the kind that was swiftly broken when he suddenly found the doll seated next to him, elbows on the desk and hands on her cheeks as she looked expectantly at him.

"Nezu-san asked me to help out," the doll clarified, scooting closer to a frowning Eraser.

Aizawa sighed and turned back to his work, "you don't have to."

"But I want to," (Y/N) spelled out, doing a very horrible job of concealing her enthusiasm for this very handsome creature. Not that it bothers her. "Let me," she insisted, taking over a paper and checking its content— the paper was a hand-written draft of an internship application, "ooo~ this year?"

"Yes. They've already went through the wringer," Aizawa replied subtly moving his chair a little further from the doll.

"Think they'll attack again?" the doll questioned with the faintest undertones of concern in her voice, completely unaware of the distance made by her company.

"We're not taking any chances. The internship should improve their skills."

"Right... well, forget about that now! I've got something better!" (Y/N) rejoiced, abandoning the serious conversation and started placing the documents to the side neatly for the big reveal of an intricately made bento, "tada~!"

"No," the mummy flatly declined.

His rejection didn't turn down the fiery female's spirit not one bit, however.

"Food is vital for survival," (Y/N) reasoned dramatically, shooting her own commercial while opening the box anyways and cracking the chopsticks against each other.

"I can live through the next hour," Aizawa protested indifferently.

"If it's awkward, I'll feed you without looking!"

Eraser grumbled, partly embarrassed of being fed by (Y/N) and partly starved after all the work he's done on his desk and the stadium, not that it was much, but recovering was draining as is.

"No one's here and I'll take what happens today to the grave," the she-devil continued whispering her temptations into Aizawa's faltering resolve, bringing the box closer to his heightened senses, "can you resist this beauty?"

Eraser turned his head away defiantly, emitting an overwhelming radiation of cuteness to his current number one fangirl and before (Y/N) could burst with squeals, a growling stomach cut through the two.

"That settles it!" (Y/N) declared, barely containing her squeals, "your stomach said: 'yes, please~' and I'm here to please that request!" It's true she's never fed anyone aside from Tsubaki, but she back make a very special exception for an especially special hero.

Usually, it was either Midnight or Mic who'd offered to help him with meals and if neither were available, Aizawa'd settle with the easy option: bread. To think the doll would be added to the select few individuals he could rely on was as sudden as his budding attraction and just as dangerous. Yet the expectant expression on the otherwise cheeky woman was all too difficult to reject.

This hero lived to disappoint, though.

"... just help me with the chopsticks and I'll be fine," Aizawa concluded, ignoring the cinematic scene acted out right beside him.

(Y/N) pressed her lips at the stingy man and dared his ability to hold any kind of sticks with those bandaged hands by actually helping him.

On the very first attempt, the doll was stunned to silence at the very man who challenged any kind of science and common sense.

True, Aizawa was holding papers a second ago, but sticks?

"I'll type out the application, then," (Y/N) suggested, refusing to dwell any further on the mystery before her and pushing the mummy's chair gently to the side as she centered herself before the desk. She placed the lunch box in front of Aizawa and turned on the computer. As she accessed the application to type, she declared sarcastically: "I know you're the shy type but please don't hold back with your criticism."

To that, Aizawa begrudgingly hummed and she instantly started working on typing out the application form. (Y/N) sat on the edge of her chair as her fingers flew across the keyboard, looking as serious as ever.

Even though (Y/N)'s previous comment clearly mentioned his criticism regarding her employment, Eraser still criticised her work. He corrected her mistakes and asked to edit a few things, thinking if she was truly spiteful, she'd blow up and leave his work. Contrarily to his prejudiced belief, however, the doll received all his demands and critique with a light spirit.

Before Aizawa knew it, the two were naturally working through his list of uncompleted tasks through record timing. His stress levels dropped drastically due to the doll's accomplishment and bright presence beside to him. The work he had stacked up for Mic had vanished in one setting and the person behind the miracle was the surprisingly very efficient and reliable side of (L/N) (Y/N).

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