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"Finally," the sleep-deprived female sighed as she left 1-B, the last class on her schedule for the day

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"Finally," the sleep-deprived female sighed as she left 1-B, the last class on her schedule for the day. 

Tsubaki was so restless last night, waking up at horrible hours for the bathroom and going back to bed only to cling more to her guardian's body in search of sleep. 

While it's a common occurrence to have the child cuddle the Doll before sleep, the concept was still fairly new to someone who had no one but themselves in bed ever since birth. So once (Y/N) was sure her pink child was fast asleep, she'd position her gently on the pillow and turn her back to her. Quite instantly, Tsubaki would whine, tossing and turning around. 

Thus the hellish night brought no proper rest to the energy-deprived Doll.

After making a mental note of asking the kindergarten about any traumatic experiences Tsubaki may have had, (Y/N) dragged herself into the teacher's room, greeting the heroes present and dropping on her seat. 

(Y/N)'s head shifted from her folded arms as she inhaled softly, trying her best to regain her energy and that's when she noticed a small note with the letters: 'USJ' scribbled on it. She groaned at the memory and buried her face once again in her arms. 

Nezu had asked of her to assist the three Pro Heroes in the Unforeseen Simulation Joint by recording the students' activities while the professionals instructed. 

Sighing for the millionth time, the female shot up from her seat and tossed a piece of chocolate in her mouth before snatching her notebook and standing up. 

"Going home?" Snipe asked, his feet on the desk and his hands flipped through papers. 

"Ahaha, I wish," (Y/N) forced a smile, "I'm off to the USJ." 

"Ah, Eraser left just before you got here. You could've caught the bus with him," he replied sitting properly on his seat and facing the doll. 

"I guess I missed him."

"But All Might's still in the lounge," Ectoplasm joined in after finishing up his work. 

"Did he miss the bus, too?" the Doll questioned in jest. 

"No, just burnt out from this morning's public heroics session," replied Snipe. 

"Well, I'll check on him before leaving," (Y/N) concluded the conversation, not wishing to be arrive any later than she already will, "have a nice day, you two!" 

o( ̄ε ̄*)Commercial break brought to you by: 'should've stayed at home today' wisdomo( ̄ε ̄*)

"Hello~!" (Y/N) greeted upon entering the lounge and meeting the very depressed form of the number one hero. 

"Ah, (L/N)-san. Hi..." Yagi tried his best to match the doll's energy but failed. 

Not like she had any real energy to begin with. 

"Aww~ don't beat yourself up about it!" (Y/N) started, knowing all about his time limit since she started working in UA. "You may have acted irresponsibly as the nation's top hero and teacher. You may have also disappointed your students by not making an appearance and there is a high possibility Aizawa is muttering colourful words about you at this very moment."

All Might's shoulders only dropped more and more with every arrow pieced at his heart from the professional archer, (L/N) (Y/N). And to think for a brief moment in time he thought the Doll was going to cheer him up, but it seems she started with a deceiving introduction.  

"But no matter!" the she-devil exclaimed, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I wouldn't want to live in a world where the number one hero passes by injustice for any reason." 

"(L/N)-san..." Yagi mumbled, completely touched by the female. 

With a smack to his shoulder, the doll declared before going back to the door, "now then, take your time resting! I'll be on my way!"

"Wait!" the blond called out standing from the couch, "please call me when you get there." 

"Is something wrong?" (Y/N) asked, resting her hand on the doorknob and facing the distressed hero. 

"I hope not... It's just that Eraser and 13 aren't answering my calls," Yagi muttered, eyeing his phone on the table. 

"Alright, then. I'll ring you the instant I get there," the (H/C)-haired woman promised and opened the door. 

"Oh and... thank you... for what you said," All Might stated, receiving a genuine smile from the doll in return.  

"So All Might thinks something's amiss?" (Y/N) talked to herself as she gazed up at the building, "looks fine to me." 

Deciding to call after making a grand entrance into the premises, (Y/N) waltzed in through the emergency exit door, instead of the front gates for two reasons. One, she has no sense of direction and refused to use any means of transportation, resulting in her ending up facing the back of the building. Two, it was more convenient to step into the plaza of the huge establishments in lieu of walking into an empty entrance. 

And that's how (Y/N)'s philosophy is born: 'when you're low on energy, you work smart, not hard.'

(Y/N) climbed down the stairs and opened another door leading to the heart of the place, one that crawled with shady characters from all walks of life. 

The shocked teacher remained rooted to the spot as she noticed them all watching something with amusement. (Y/N)'s eyes travelled to their object of interest, only to find a huge figure seated on someone's back and smashing their face into the solid ground. 

The doll hadn't the slightest idea of what was going on, but these people definitely didn't seem like volunteers to rescue missions and whatever the huge figure is doing can't possibly be considered heroic. Therefore without further delay or any more time to process, (Y/N) ran to the nearest villain. She tapped his back and sucked most of his energy. Sparing no time to the gagging feeling of doing so, the doll resumed a much faster pace to the site of the crime, leaving a passed out villain behind her. 

With a powerful kick, (Y/N) kicked the unsuspecting bird-headed villain off the back of the victim and stood protectively before them. Her eyes glanced back to the rescued figure, making out what remained visible of his features to be no one but Eraser Head. Right before him, three terrified students spectated the whole ordeal. 

"Who's this now?" a man with a hand on his face asked. His hands began scratching his neck as he mumbled another question, "how did she kick Nomu that simply?"

"Nomu didn't expect the attack as we didn't," the misty figure analysed, "the Pro Heroes must be on their way, Shigaraki. Nomu should be able to finish her, Eraser Head and those children."

"Right... Right! Nomu attack." 

(Y/N) didn't utter a word in response as she gulped ominously at the approaching horror.      

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