Crocodile Tears

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"I definitely had our promise in mind when I came here," (Y/N) muttered averting her eyes from the black, judgmental pools of the combination of dog, mouse, bear and some other animals if possible

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"I definitely had our promise in mind when I came here," (Y/N) muttered averting her eyes from the black, judgmental pools of the combination of dog, mouse, bear and some other animals if possible.

Nezu sipped on his beverage, seated on his fancy mahogany desk when he finally decided to bless her ears with the dark undertones of villainy in his laugh instead of a never-ending, awkward silence. 

Needless to say, (Y/N) is hoping that there is a return policy to the blessing of that 'laugh.' 

"Oh, (L/N)-chan! How thoughtful of you! Correct me if I'm wrong, however... isn't it that in most institutions, the principal's office isn't located at the nearest exit."

"Umm... well, look at that! You're right!" the doll rubbed her arm nervously, keeping her eyes at the very interesting floor, "I just had to get some fresh air after that nice trip down the trash bin."

"All's well, then," the principal dismissed suppressing his sadistic side from unleashing a ridiculed laugh at the welcome she received from the school's bin. Before they get lost in a maze of meaningless talk chiefly orchestrated by (Y/N) as a result of her hesitance to this job, he decided to cut to the chase and extend a paw while requesting: "let's start then. The resume, if you may."

"About that..." (Y/N) trailed off, her voice trembling and small as she reached for a handkerchief to hold on to. It's true that she had come willingly, but the closer to reality the situation had become, the more hesitant she became. So she thought maybe shedding a tear or two could change the course of her destiny. After all, not even 20 minutes have passed since her arrival and she was already subjected to the dangers she wished to avoid. "You do realise that I am but an old, very sad woman who couldn't possibly do such a youthful, inspirational job," the heartache in her voice resonated in the room as she held the piece of clothing to receive the first tears of her anguish.

Mr principal watched the performance with an empty smile and connected paws when he deadpanned, "cut the crap and give me the CV."

"Yes, sir," (Y/N) answered instantly and offered him the documents as if they were the Holy Grail. She might have succeeded in tricking anyone with these crocodile tears and innocent, dolly appearance but not this principal which only aggravated her enough to shed real, streams of tears.



(L/N) (Y/N)



Date of Birth:







- Former teacher

- Former Pro Hero [Confiscated Hero Licence]


Formerly – Tokyo Juvenile Detention House


Hollow – the user is capable of extracting energy out of individuals upon contact

"Your hero licence was confiscated?" Nezu questioned surprised (Y/N) would do anything to tick off the government. He hadn't known her for long, but definitely long enough to know that the doll-like woman was a responsible, law-abiding citizen. Which makes sense, considering her previous occupation. She knew better than to get on the bad side of any kind of official.

(Y/N) sighed, expecting him to address the topic. "Yeah, someone tattletaled my issues to the authorities and they came knocking on my door. Phew," she exhaled placing a hand on her chest at the memory, "I was so flabbergasted when I saw the police in my house. I thought they knew about that one time I stole a piece of candy from some unsuspecting human."

"What? How old were you?"


"Wow, you should've become a villain," Nezu commented humouring her. He had no intentions of engaging in this ridiculous conversation but (Y/N)'s expressive reactions and replies only egged him on for the sake of entertainment.

"... says (Y/N) to herself everyday."

"Now that we've had our fun, how about you enlighten me with the real reason?"

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