Jealousy Stinks

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"Ah~! The joy of solid land," (Y/N) spun on a toe when all the students vanished from their seats seconds from arrival

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"Ah~! The joy of solid land," (Y/N) spun on a toe when all the students vanished from their seats seconds from arrival.

Aizawa looked back at the rejuvenated teacher. She was the first to bail out of the bus and the last to be present in their little hoard.

While the students got occupied in conversation, Eraser made his way to the Disney Princess, "you better now?"

"Aizawa, I experienced rebirth," the doll sunk into her melodrama away from the students' eyes, "wellness is the ultimate form of blissing humanity has ever—"

"Erasahhh~! Is that you?"

Aizawa flinched, making the doll put an end to her performance as a woman approached.

A woman with seafoam, silky locks, sparkling green eyes and a stunning smile.

Everything about this woman was pleasant on the eyes.

Fukukado Emi.

Famously known as Ms Joke on the screen.

"I'd recognise that scowl anywhere," Ms Joke went on.

"Perfect," Aizawa muttered in disdain.

The class huddled close to their teachers and the energetic woman. Midoriya doing the honour of stating her name and quirk.

"Let's get married!" Ms. Joke blurted after the elaborate introduction.

"No," Eraser shot down.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Commercial break brought to you by: romantic tragedies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Jealous must stink so bad. Good thing (Y/N) couldn't smell her emotions.

Ever since the students got into the stadium and the teachers took their seats, torture of the highest order commenced.

Ms Joke managed to sneak in marriage, dating, romance and jokes in every conversation she initiated with Aizawa. Even when it involved her students, his students or the examination.

The woman was a force of nature and all (Y/N) could do was sit through it in silence. Not once did she open her mouth with a word and she took extra care to keep her face neutral, eyes fixed on the arena.

A greeting and a soft smile was the only thing the doll offered Fukukado.

Just pleasantries, nothing more, else some ugly feelings will be involved.

Still, the energetic woman seemed to expect something from the doll because (Y/N) caught her staring more than once.

Then again, Ms Joke might've been staring at the "love of her life" since he was seated between the two ladies.

It could be true, but why would a lovestruck woman look at her love interest with suspicious eyes?

When (Y/N) turned to the colourful woman, Ms Joke only squinted her eyes further.

The smile hero probably felt as jealous as the doll was. In response to her uneasy, (Y/N) raised a white tissue and waved it.

Ms Joke received the call of surrender with silence that was instantly broken off with wild laughter.

Oblivious to their interaction, Aizawa grunted at the noise, his scowl growing deeper.

The contagious laughter pulled a smile out of (Y/N). She couldn't hate Fukukado Emi, especially when she related to the happy woman about Aizawa's majestic existence.

(Y/N) knew Ms Joke was the better option, the superior option.

Years of friendship, their partnership and familiarity with one another definitely has nothing on the measly four months or so the doll had with Eraser.

For goodness sake, they had each other's back, fighting villains and building the kind of trust (Y/N) could never form with Eraser Head. Or any hero, for that matter.

Most importantly, Fukukado Emi was young and healthy. Two things (Y/N) could never compete with, not with what her quirk has done to her body.

After mercilessly attacking all the last speck of romantic potential with Aizawa, the doll heaved out a breath.

That's it, (L/N) (Y/N), let it go.

Be the captain of the EraseJoke ship.

A supportive friend.

Just as (Y/N) resigned to excuse herself for coffee so the two lovebirds can have a moment alone, the man beside her lit up.

"I remember," Aizawa muttered, his eyes glued to the arena.

"What?" the doll asked, following his gaze.

"About 14 years ago... the waterfall?" Eraser hinted, his pointer finger raised up with a swirl.

"14 years," (Y/N) muttered, racking her brains. 14 years ago, she was a third year in Shiketsu High, taking her last chance with a Provisional Hero License. Well, there's more to a third year's life but the examination was all she was concerned about.

The doll was a late bloomer. She failed her first examination and went down a dark spiral only to be saved by Pink.

Trained as a hero and a functioning human being, (Y/N) tried the examination again.

Ah, how hellish it was.

There was a rude boy, a year younger, who dragged her down a waterfall with him and had the audacity to corrected her philosophy on heroism.


(Y/N) could recall his black hair billowing in the wind, his bloody scarf tangled over their bodies and those goggles obscuring his eyes.

How could anyone forget falling down a waterfall?

(Y/N) softly gasped at the realisation, turning to look at Eraser Head.

How could she forget her first meeting with Aizawa Shouta?


The first task of The Provisional Hero License examination was simple.

Capture the small device, tucked securely to every participants' chest while keeping yours.


Except almost every quirk operated against (L/N) (Y/N).

While the girl preferred the setting of dark, shadowy alleys for perfect ambushing. The examination was held during broad daylight and everything was displayed for the examiners to grade.

The doll's time was wasted camping patiently for a passing victim. Consequently, fewer and fewer spots for success remained. The crazy part of it all: it's only been 20 minutes!

If she didn't make it now, (Y/N) would never intern, get experienced and progress smoothly through her career.

So why did she follow the sound of a mop only to find herself at the top of a waterfall with no one around?

(Y/N) was about to have a mental breakdown when shuffling sounded behind her. Instantly, she swirled with a defensive position to meet a boy in scarfs and goggles.

"Sorry about this..." the boy's monotone tone reached her as did his scarf.

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