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The breeze of the two days' break had passed and a storm of schoolwork settled in

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The breeze of the two days' break had passed and a storm of schoolwork settled in.

Even though, (Y/N) took advantage of the time by preparing for the last lessons, the workload of the ending semester still weighed down on her.

Marking papers, submitting grades, completing the curricular plan, starting a draft of the exam and assisting the other teachers whenever possible.

Everything was a blur of work right up to the current point: the last lesson of the semester with 1-A.

"This should conclude the lesson," (Y/N) said, putting down the chalk and turning to the class, "any questions?"

Shaking heads, dozing heads and bobbing heads were her only response.

The door slid open to reveal the most beautiful homeroom teacher, without a single bandage. Though (Y/N) wished to strap him up on the podium and stare at divine beauty all day, she raised a finger to the man, instead, wishing a couple of moments with the class. To that, Aizawa only nodded curtly and slid the door shut.

"Alright, let's have the talk."

The class' murmurs died down as they directed their attention back to the doll.

"I realise most of you can't be bothered with minor subjects in your education— your grades are proof enough," (Y/N) began catching the eyes of the students with the lowest grades in her class. They either flinched with a blush or marveled at their stunning desks.

Sighing, the doll began what got them eagerly engaged into another story time session, "much about you can be found with the click of a button, now. Fighting style, weaknesses and strengths. You'll be analysed more once you become full-fledged heroes. So what can you do to prevent a villainous nobody from taking you down?"

"Train harder!" Kirishima enthused.

"They're stronger. Larger."

"Train our quirks," Kaminari suggested.

"Common suggestion, except electric attacks can be repelled," (Y/N) shut down.

Jiro held back a giggle as she raised two thumps to her classmate who instantly bit back.

"Master our quirks?" finally the correct answer was voiced out among the chaos by a student who isn't known for participating much: Shouji Mezou.

Bakugou scuffed, "we should by now," his eyes pierced a green head.

"Can you confidently say you've mastered yours?" (Y/N) asked and before the blond could admit to such feat, the doll cut him off with more, "do you know the effects of your quirk on your body and vice versa? Have you come up with the perfect costume for your quirk's maximum potential? Can you utilise your quirk in both long and short distance attacks or have you convinced yourself it can only be one or the other? Is your quirk only made for offense? And if so, what about your defense?"

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