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"How worried should I be about my blood pressure?" I asked once we'd left Harper's office. We were standing in the main entrance of the hospital. 

"It's concerning, but you shouldn't worry too much. Because it will make your blood pressure spike more. It's one of those things that needs monitoring and if there are any changes we call Harper. Just keep trying to relax. Maybe do some more yoga."

"What could happen if I get worse?"

"You probably won't. The majority of women who have high blood pressure have perfectly normal births."

"And the others?"

"Might have to have an emergency cesarean to make sure they and the baby are healthy."

I took a deep breath, trying to keep the panic at bay. I'd been as cool as I could in the office, but knowing there could be complications made me want to cry. 

"I'm scared. But you could always become a doctor. This pregnancy made you read, huh?"

"Hell yeah. Don't be, we got this. Together." Aidan hugged me, kissing my hair.

"Together, forever." I murmured.

I opened the door to our apartment, taking a deep breath when I saw Aidan standing outside. He was carrying a cardboard tray with a coffee, a juice, and two muffins on top.

"Hey, baby. How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm okay. I took a nap earlier so that helped." 

"I guess we should do my blood pressure before I drink the coffee. I don't want to have any caffeine spikes."

"It's  a decaf."

"Oh, even worse."

Aidan laughed and took his blood pressure monitor from his backpack. 

"Take a seat."  Gently, he took my arm and wrapped the cuff around it, his fingers gentle as he pressed the Velcro strips together.

It was almost impossible not to shiver at his touch.

"Are my fingers cold?" he murmured, looking at me through his thick lashes. 

"Shut up."

"Okay. I'm going to start it. You'll feel pressure for a minute."

"I know." 

When the machine finished measuring my blood pressure it gave a beep, the cuff slowly loosening. Aidan looked at the monitor, his brows knitting together.

"Any change?" I asked him.

"It's a little better than yesterday but still too high. Are you feeling any other symptoms? Nausea, dizziness?"


"Any swelling?" He took my right hand in his, looking down as he turned it over, before he repeated it with the other. 

"No more than usual."

"Just a few weeks more, baby."

"I can't wait." I murmured against Aidan's chest.


"I'll never get enough of you." I say to Cara as I kiss up her thigh.

She woke up crampy and nauseous and called off work. I did the same. I made her favorite meal and gave her a massage ... which led to now—my face inches from her and my mouth watering. 

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